The Bible
The collection of books inspired by God
Free from error
According to your notes from lesson 5, why did God give us the Bible?
To reveal Himself and His will to people
According to your lecture notes a book is included in the Canon of Scripture if it is this"
What is Inspired
If a book wanted to make it into the New Testament it better have widespread _____________________ among the early churches
The act where God supernaturally guided the writers of the Bible through the Holy Spirit
Completely dependable and incapable of failing in its' purpose
According to the 3 truths we learn only in the Bible,
we cannot do what for oruselves?
We cannot save ourselves
According to your lecture notes who inspired the books of the Canon
If a book wants to be included in the New Testament Canon it better make sure it agrees with this:
The Old Testament Scripture (The Rest of the Bible)
The act where God guides the believer's mind to understand spiritual truth
What did Jesus fulfill that demonstrates his acceptance of the inspiration of the Old Testament?
OT teachings and prophecies
What can we only learn about God's character and nature from Scripture, according to the three truths we can only learn from the Bible
God is holy
According to your lecture 8 notes, one of the reasons we do not doubt the status of the Old Testament Canon is because it was recognized by this person
What kind of authority must a book have it is going to be included in the New Testament Canon?
Divine Authority (God's authority)
Paul used this word from your memory verse to describe the fact that Scripture is written by God and not just human beings
According to the three truths we can only learn from Scripture, how do we receive salvation?
By faith in Jesus' completed sacrifice
According to your lecture notes the Old Testament had how much authority in the early church
If a book wants to be included in the New Testament it better at the very least be associated with this group of people
Who are the apostles
Prophecy <both definitions (:{>
A god given declaration of truth (preaching)
Foretelling the future (prediction)
The doctrine that God has kept his word from being lost or destroyed
We have the Bible because Jesus sent this person to guide His disciples
The Holy Spirit
What was the early church's job when deciding which books were to be included in the Canon
Their job was to recognize which books were inspired.
This book was included in the New Testament Canon even though it does not meet the rule of association because we do not know who wrote it