Paul’s Apostleship
Christian Life
The Lord’s Supper
Offense and Lawfulness

What are the two things that helped verify Paul’s apostleship?

The seal of his apostleship in the Lord and his work among the Corinthians – 1 Corinthians 9:2


What two athletic events does Paul compare to the Christian life?

Running a race and fighting – 1 Corinthians 9:24-26


Why was Paul concerned about exercising self-control?

To avoid disqualification after preaching – 1 Corinthians 9:27


What does the bread in the Lord’s Supper represent?

The body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 10:16


To whom are we to give no offense?

From 1 Corinthians 10:32 – Jews, Greeks, and the church of God


What was Paul’s main argument for choosing not to accept support from others?

He did not want to hinder the gospel of Christ – 1 Corinthians 9:12


What is the prize that Christians run to obtain?

An imperishable crown – 1 Corinthians 9:25


What does Paul say about eating and drinking in relation to glorifying God?

Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God – 1 Corinthians 10:31


What does partaking of the one bread demonstrate?

Unity in the body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 10:17


What does Paul say about seeking one’s own benefit?

From 1 Corinthians 10:24 – Seek the well-being of others


Why did Paul claim he had the right to receive material support for his spiritual work?

Just as those who work the land share in the harvest, those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel – 1 Corinthians 9:13-14


How does Paul say we should discipline our bodies?

Bring it into subjection so that after preaching, we are not disqualified – 1 Corinthians 9:27


How does Paul address idolatry in relation to self-control?

Christians should flee from idolatry and avoid participating in pagan practices – 1 Corinthians 10:14-22


What is the Lord’s Supper referred to as in 1 Corinthians 10:16?

The communion of the body and blood of Christ


What principle does Paul give about eating food in someone else’s home?

From 1 Corinthians 10:27 – Eat without questioning for conscience’ sake


How did Paul use his rights to better serve others?

He made himself a servant to all to win more souls – 1 Corinthians 9:19


What attitude is most likely to lead to one’s fall in the Christian journey?

Overconfidence or pride – 1 Corinthians 10:12


What role does discipline play in the Christian race?

It is essential to receive the prize, as in an athletic competition – 1 Corinthians 9:25-27


How does Paul contrast the Lord’s table with the table of demons?

You cannot partake of both; it requires devotion to Christ alone – 1 Corinthians 10:21


How does Paul address food offered to idols if it offends someone?

From 1 Corinthians 10:28 – Do not eat for their conscience’ sake


What does Paul compare his apostleship to when defending his ministry?

A soldier, farmer, and shepherd who all share in the benefits of their labor – 1 Corinthians 9:7


How does Paul describe temptation in the life of a Christian?

It is common to all, but God is faithful to provide a way out – 1 Corinthians 10:13


How does Paul describe the body in the context of discipline and self-control?

It is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and we must honor God with it – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


How is the cup of blessing described?

From 1 Corinthians 10:16 – The communion of the blood of Christ


What overarching principle does Paul give about all things we do?

From 1 Corinthians 10:31 – Do all to the glory of God