A Not Very Well Kept Secret
Four Documents of America
Making Inferences
Synonym and Antonyms
Having to do with judges, law courts, or their activities.
What is Judicial
The boys in the story worked at an inn doing this:
What is waiting on the delegates who were writing the Constitution.
They call him the "Father of the Constitution".
Who is James Madison
You get woken up in the middle of the night, because you hear your dog barking loudly. What can you infer?
What is There is an animal or something creeping around the outside of the house.
This is the antonym for the word Despise.
What is admire, appreciate, cherish, like, or love.
To Approve in an official way; confirm.
What is Ratify
The rewriting of the Articles of Confederation was a special event called:
What is The Constitutional Convention?
A list incorporated into the U.S Constitution as the first Ten Amendments.
What is The Bill of Rights
While playing in your backyard, you notice that one of your plants is not as healthy as the others. What can you infer?
What is This plant is not getting enough or getting too much water/sun. Maybe it has caught a sickness.
This is a synonym for the word Beautiful.
What is dazzling, fair, gorgeous, handsome, or ravishing.
The introductory section of the U.S Constitution.
What is the Preamble
Describe the setting of the story:
What is 1787, Pennsylvania State House, an Inn
Thomas Jefferson wrote this document declaring the U.S free from Great Britain.
What is The Declaration of Independence?
While watching a much anticipated space launch on television, you suddenly learn that the launch has been scrubbed. What can you infer?
What is The space launch has been cancelled due to weather or technical conditions.
This is an antonym for the word Loud.
What is quiet, low, or soft.
The power of a government official or group to keep something from taking effect. To keep a bill from becoming a law.
What is veto?
The boys started a food fight for these reasons:
What is Each boy believed in whatever "their" delegate believed in about the government. They disagreed with each other about how the government should run.
This document was the first draft of our government, but it was weak and did not force people to follow its laws.
What is The Articles of Confederation.
When reading the Salem News, you come across an article that discusses the issue of the rising coyote population on the North Shore. What do you think is contributing to this change in population?
What is The population of smaller animals that coyotes prey on has also grown in this area.
This is a synonym for Smelly.
What is putrid, rancid, rank, stinky, foul, or reeking?
An official change made to a bill, law or other document.
What is an amendment?
This famous historical character stopped the boys' food fight.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
This man insisted that there should be a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution.
Who was George Mason?
While on a summer vacation, you are walking a beach in Cape Cod and notice that most of the rocks are extremely smooth. What can you infer regarding the rocks’ texture?
What is The rocks have been worn down by the ocean water leaving them smooth
This is a synonym for the word Bright.
What is dazzling, glowing, ablaze, or illuminated?