“Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce; Special orders don't upset us.” So goes the 1973 jingle used by this “royal” fast food chain that to this day still encourages you to “have it your way”.
Burger King
Although timeouts, clock stoppages, and touchdowns make it last longer, this is the official duration of one quarter of NFL football.
15 minutes
Despite it providing a minimal amount of energy or protein, over 99% of the diet of the Giant Panda is made up of this plant.
Name the story
Noah's ark
Our favorite babbling friends, Minions, are obsessed with this fruit.
In 1936, this popular food brand debuted its first Wienermobile, a 13-foot-long vehicle shaped like a giant hot dog on wheels, as a way to promote its products.
Oscar Mayer
This six-letter word names both a seed company and an exercise that combines a squat, a pushup, and a jump in the air.
This creature with an equine name has no teeth or stomach, mates for life, and is one of the only species on Earth where the male carries the unborn offspring.
Name the story
Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding in Cana
Despite only recording three albums as a group, you could still call them "well-seasoned." With over 100 million record sales, this musical act is the best-selling girl group of all time.
The Spice Girls
This common leafy green is native to Persia and is often associated with a specific cartoon character who made his maritime debut in 1929.
The term used when a player bowls 3 strikes in a row.
A turkey
This word refers to small organisms, including both plants and animals, that are unable to move themselves against ocean currents. (Hint: One is also the archnemesis of a beloved member of Bikini Bottom.)
Name the story
Samson and Delilah
The original song "Peaches" became an instant classic from this animated film. Bowser plays this instrument while he proclaims his love for Peach in song.
Poutine, often referred to as Canada's national dish, consists of French fries, gravy, and this delicious ingredient.
Cheese curds
This NBA player has scored the most points in a single game.
Wilt Chamberlin
Adult male gorillas are given this colorful nickname, due to the grey hair found on their hind torso.
Name the story
Jesus calms the storm
"We'll always have Paris" and "Here's looking at you, kid" are among the memorable quotes from this classic 1943 film.
This chocolate-flavored coffee drink gets its name from a city in Yemen that was once a center of the coffee trade.
This sport can be played indoors or outdoors. It's notable for attracting a wide range of ages and fitness levels. It combines elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. Its highest governing body is the IFP.
If they were allowed to compete at the Olympics, they would win the 100m in under 7 seconds. This bird is the fastest running animal on two legs!
Name the story
Daniel is put in the lion's den
Tom Hanks suited up as astronaut Jim Lovell for this award-winning 1995 Ron Howard film about an ill-fated moon mission.
Apollo 13
Produced in the United Kingdom but popular in the United States, this brand comes in a tin and describes itself as "curiously strong mints."
This beloved football (soccer) player holds the record for the most goals in the world.
Cristiano Ronaldo
This deep-sea cephalopod has three hearts that pump copper-rich blue blood to its eight limbs.
Name the story
Jesus heals the woman with the flow of blood
A string quarter is traditionally composed for one cello, one viola, and two of this instrument.
Some eaters liken the taste of this common herb to soap due to a variation in their olfactory-receptor genes.
Cilantro (coriander)?
Known by a nickname that nowadays would more likely be applied to a woman, newborn, or even a famous pig, this legendary left-handed American sportsman had the little-used first names "George Hermann".
Babe Ruth
Some animals eat only plants, some only eat meat. This is the term for animals (including some humans) who can eat both.
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Name the story
The 10 plagues of Egypt
This one-named pop star and former frontman of The Police got his name from a habit of wearing yellow-and-black-striped sweaters in his youth.
This small, common forage fish, of the family Engraulidae, can be found in marine and fresh water They are an acquired taste as far as food fish go, sometimes eaten out of a can, or served on a pizza.
As part of the growing boom of sports cards, a rookie-year, signed Tom Brady football card was sold at auction for more than $1.3 million in early 2021. Tom Brady played for this team during his rookie year.
New England Patriots
To some they are an irritating garden pest, to others they are tasty cuisine. Heliciculture is the practice of raising this animal for human consumption.
Name the story
Jesus feeds a great crowd
Swifties, Beyhive, and Beliebers unite! Artists’ fans often collectively name themselves. BTS fans have crowned this name as their own.
the ARMY
Literally meaning ‘everything in its place’, this 3-word French term describes the measuring and preparation of ingredients prior to cooking.
Mise en place
"The Run for the Roses" and "The Fastest Two Minutes in Sports" are both colloquial names for this horse race that occurs on the first Saturday of May in the U.S. South.
Kentucky Derby
Found in spiders, as well as some species of butterfly and moth, a spinneret is an organ that is responsible for the production of this substance.
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Name the story
Cain and Abel
In "The Phantom Menace," Padmé Amidala, portrayed by Natalie Portman, becomes the 14-year-old queen of this bountiful green planet in the Star Wars universe.
This beverage, which originated in New York City, is made of milk, carbonated water, and flavored syrup, and does not include either of the ingredients in its name.
Egg cream
Gentleman, start your engines! Formula One car engines are restricted to this many RPMs.
If you see an armadillo in the wild, no matter how cute it seems, don't touch it! Armadillos are one of the only North American mammals besides humans known to carry this disease, also known as Hansen's disease.
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Name the story
Solomon determines which woman the baby belongs to
Despite the name, he seems to do quite a lot. Rex Harrison, Eddie Murphy, and Robert Downey Jr. have all portrayed this fictional veterinarian in movies.
Doctor Doolittle