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Medicaid 101

Students are entered into the easyMedicaid reporting system via our student information system which is called

What is Power School

When describing services in the related service or special education service section name 3 of the 6 things that need to be documented
What is the frequency, service provider, type of service, beginning and end date.
Time frame that the district has to hold an intake meeting for a new special education student entering our district
What is within 30 days of starting in our school district
Document signed by related service staff recommending level of service for the Medicaid to Schools Program
What is referral of services- all compliance documents print from IC
Related service provider who signs off in the easyMedicaid reporting system that what is being done with a student is medically necessary is referenced as
What is called supervisor (practitioner of the healing arts)

Name 3 responsibilities of a related service provider

What is write and implement IEP goals and objectives, provide service, complete progress reports, facilitate/attend IEP meetings, document services in the easyMedicaid reporting sytem

Means reasonably calculated to prevent, diagnose, correct cure, alleviate or prevent the worsening of conditions that endanger life, cause pain, result in illness or deformity, threaten to cause or aggravate a handicap, or cause physical deformity or malfunction.
What is medically necessary definition
Provided to the parent or guardian annually, this outlines the special education process including procedure and state mandated timelines, in addition to notifying parents of their rights.
What is Procedural Safeguards
Paraprofessional has a substitute for a week, while out on medical leave. Who should document the service
What is substitute. Please have the staff member, or building administrator contact me if you know in advance someone will be out for an extended time period.
Level of service in the IEP is referenced in the easyMedicaid reporting system as
What is called a grid
Students needs someone to ride on the bus with them due to a medical necessity. Where is that entered in the IEP
What is called custom special education services
These link to student academic/functional participation at school -OT/PT/Speech/Mental Health/School Health Services are all considered what in the IEP
What are related services
The timeline the parent has to sign an IEP
What is 14 days. Discussion -what procedures do we have in place, if the parent doesn't sign the IEP? Does anyone notify team members not in attendance?
This document informs the parent about the Medicaid to Schools Program and asks the parent to give us permission to bill the Medicaid to Schools program
What is called Consent for Release to Access Medicaid Reimbursement- should be done at a minimum annually at each IEP meeting.
Compliance document to be used when the special education team recommends the need for paraprofessional support.
What is Recommendation for Paraprofessional support- note this should align with current IEP
Every student in special education receives one of these listing academic and social goals, related services, etc
What is an IEP-Individualized Education Plan
This is the language that needs to be used if the nurse in your building is expected to provide services
What is School Health Services Nursing services designate an outside agency is needed
Consultation is entered in what section of the IEP
What is special education services- general rule of thumb if a student is receiving direct service the consultation should be a minimum of 2.5 hours yearly
Over the summer a staff member was married and their legal name has changed. What should I do related to the Medicaid to Schools Program
What is advise the staff member to contact Gretchen to make her aware. The easyMedicaid reporting system needs the official legal name of the person providing the service.
In order to bill the Medicaid to Schools Program name 2 requirements
What is signed IEP, listing Rochester as district of liability, be identified as having a disability, billed services specifically listed in IEP, staff document time and outcomes, be services by staff who meet Medicaid credentials, currently be on NH Medicaid
Student has a paraprofessional listed in their IEP/and receive a related service who should the paraprofessional be put in touch with
What is Gretchen Roussin, Medicaid Coordinator, as the students data needs to be entered into the easyMedicaid
If a student's 3 year re-evaluation is due by 2/11/17 and the annual IEP is due by 11/7/16 when should the IEP eligibility meeting and IEP be schedule by
What is the eligibility and IEP meeting should be done by 11/7/16
Name 3 responsibilities of a paraprofessional who provides support to a student
What is know your student, read your students' IEP, talk to the students' case manager about how you can best meet the student's needs, work towards increasing student independence..., ask questions, document time in easyMedicaid just to name a few
What is the amount of revenue the district received for 2015/16
Medicaid is only for people who are considered "poor" under the Federal government guidelines
What is False