This is something used to protect you from getting sunburn.
What is sunscreen?
Not to be confused with something that water does, teens may say this word to describe fashionable and stylish clothing.
What is drip?
This is the 12-week class that every mom has to complete when they join JP.
What is Empowerment & Leadershhip?
This form needs to be completed in order to apply for federal student aid.
What is FAFSA?
An indoor appliance that is used to keep cool during the summer.
What is an air conditioner?
This word is used when someone suspects a lie has been told.
What is "cap"?
This JP mom event usually happens every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month (either virtual or in-person)
What is Sisterhood Hour?
If you complete 60 college credits, you can earn this type of degree?
What is an Associates degree?
This frozen treat usually consists of heavy cream, milk, vanilla extract and sugar?
This term can be used to describe delicious food.
What is "bussin"?"
Jeremiah Program will make a $100 deposit into this type of child's education savings account at the end of every semester that a mom successfully completes.
What is a 529 Savings account?
What is a grant or payment made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement.
What is a scholarship?
What item do you use to keep your drinks cool and your food fresh during summer?
What is a cooler?
A phrase used to indicate that you’ve just shared a truth that needs no further discussion
What is, "and that's on periodT!"
A JP mom is eligible to attend this annual event if she is enrolled in college and actively engaged in coaching.
What is Summit?
An examination administered at the end of an academic term.
What is a final exam?
June 20, 2024
What is the first day of summer?
Someone who has “game” when it comes to romantic pursuits
What is rizz?
Who is Jeremiah Program's CEO?
Who is Chastity Lord?
A scholarly award for students who demonstrate academic excellence
What is the Dean's List?