to be lazy and not do things until the last minute
What is Procrastination
A letter to a college or job preferably from a counselor or close faculty/ community member that can speak on your behalf.
What is the letter of recommendation used for?
Blue or Black
What color pens do you use when completing any application?
A résumé is a list of your qualifications, achievements, skills etc that you give to a prospective employer.
What is a resume?
Business Casual
Slacks, skirt, blouse, button up, flats, short heels
What is proper dress for a Job interview?
4 yrs.
How many years must a person stay in school for a Bachelors degree?
An institution that contains many colleges
What is a University?
Online, counselor may have some
How do you apply for scholarships?
a copy of a student's permanent academic record which usually means all courses taken, all grades received, all honors received and degrees conferred to a student.