Giving Birth/ labor & delivery
Intrapartum monitoring/assessment
Pain management
Therapeutic nursing /procedures
Nursing care during labor & delivery
Medications affecting labor & delivery

How dilated a women should be during the active phase of labor.

What is 4 to 6 cm?


Which device method device of assessing the fetal heart rate requires the use of gel?

What is a Doppler.



Only a few of these meds are commonly used for childbirth. They include meperidine (Demerol®), morphine, fentanyl, butorphanol (Stadol®) and nalbuphine (Nubain®).

What is Opioid medications used during labor?


Placenta expectation.

what is 2 veins/ 1 artery? 


Some non-pharm things that a nurse can do to help during labor.

laboring positions, breathing techniques, dissociation, effleurage, imagery, distraction


What are some general anesthesia, nursing considerations & care?

What is Immediate post-anesthesia nursing care  focuses on maintaining ventilation and circulation, monitoring oxygenation and level of consciousness, preventing shock, and managing pain. 


what is the presentation of pelvic placement? 


Use of a fetal monitor to evaluate fetal well-being where you want to see 2 accelerations in 20 minutes and moderate variability.

What is a non-stress test or NST.


 Some applications of Nonpharmacologic Techniques for pain management.

What is General Comfort, Reducing Anxiety and Fear, Relaxation, Mind-Body Stimulation/ massage, Hydrotherapy, Mental Stimulation, Breathing Techniques Modified-Paced Breathing?



What is artificial rupture of the membranes?


nulligravida vs multipara

What is Nullipara A female who has never carried a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks.

Multipara A female who has given birth two, three, or four times?



What is a hormone used to help start or continue labor and to control bleeding after delivery??


Three phases within the first stages of labor

What is latent, active, and transition?


The cervix stretches and gets thinner. 

What is effacement ?


A form of anesthesia that is administered to mothers in labor both for vaginal and cesarean births which numbs the pain of labor without affecting the mother's ability to push.

What is an epidural?


A small cut that prevents tearing during delivery.

What is an episiotomy?


What are some nursing jobs during labor and delivery?

Initial care and assessment of the newborn, (APGAR)
including calling neonatal staff if indicated
Administration of medication such as oxytocin to
contract the uterus and control blood loss.


A patient in preterm labor is receiving Betamethasone, what is the indication for the use of this med?

What is to enhance fetal lung maturity?


Braxton-Hicks contractions

What is Contractions that help the mother's body prepare for true labor; they do not indicate that labor has begun?


We observe for fetal heart rate by ...

What is external fetal monitoring FHR?


Why is Oxytocin utilized?

 What is prevents excessive postpartum bleeding by helping the uterus to contract.


1) Oxytocin administration Diluted in an isotonic solution and given as a secondary infusion.

2) Cervical ripening medical methods (prostaglandins) Mechanical methods (transcervical catheter, laminaria) 

What is the difference between augmentation (1) and induction (2) ?


Leopolds maneuvers-steps and reason for utilizing this procedure.

What is It is used to determine the position, presentation, and engagement of the fetus in utero.

Step 1: Fundal grip (Determine the fundal height) ...

Step 2: Umbilical grip (Locate the fetal back) ...

Step 3: Pawlik's grip (Identify the presenting part) ...

Step 4: Pelvic grip (Locate the fetal head)


Identifying visceral pain in lower portion of the abdomen (labor) and discomfort. 

How do we (nurses) help manage first stage labor pain?


 The cardinal mechanisms of labor

there are 7 of them.

• Engagement: 

• Descent: 

• Flexion: .

• Internal rotation:  

• Extension: 

• External rotation: 

• Expulsion: 


What to observe for in fetal heart monitoring? 


What is Variable deceleration Cord compression Early deceleration Head compression Acceleration Oxygenation Late deceleration Placental insufficientcy


Some pharmacological pain managements utilized during labor.

What is Regional Anesthesia, Pudendal Block, Local Infiltration Anesthesia, Epidural Block, Combined Spinal-Epidural Analgesia, Subarachnoid (Spinal) Block, Opioid Analgesics, Adjunctive Drugs, Sedatives, General Anesthesia


is a procedure that tries to turn a breech baby into a head-down position so you can have a normal vaginal birth.

What is External Cephalic ?/ inversion 


What is the BISHOP SCORE?

Dilation, Effacement, Fetal station, Cervical consistency 


What are some non-pharmaceutical interventions during labor and delivery?

What is positioning  breathing exercises , comfortable and relaxing environment therapeutic communication , positive reinforcement, relaxation , and therapeutic touch.