CAGE! There's Always More :)
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Globalization refers to a __________ and __________ of interactions between countries

broadening; deepening

What does CAGE stand for? and What is the additional "C" we added for this class?

Culture; Administrative; Geographic; Economic; COVID/Disruptions


Which element of CAGE is the most difficult to measure and why?



List and define the two basic strategic positions a firm can take

•Cost Leadership: WalMart, McDonalds, Shein

•Differentiation : Nike, Apple, Tiffany


This is the parallel that divides North and South Korea

38th Parallel


Give an example of a company you have seen while here that demonstrates the "globalization of markets" AND explain what the globalization of markets" means

Starbucks; Coke; Apple; etc


Explain why we use the CAGE Framework for IB?



List at least 5 ways to measure Economic Distance and explain why just one measure wouldn't be enough

—GNI, GDP (per capita, gross, growth etc.)


—Education Rates

—Migration rates

—FDI and trade flows

—Export/import ratio


—Inflation rates

—Starbucks or big Mac index


Define strategic positioning

•Strategic positioning

•Choose activities that are different from rivals

•Strategy allows for the creation of unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities


What is the national holiday today here in Seoul? What does it celebrate

National Liberation Day; victory day over Japan

International Business is defined as activities that involve the transfer of _______, ________; _____; _______; _________

Resources ; goods ; services; skills; information


List and define the three types of legal systems.

1.Common law: based on tradition (legal history), precedent (outcomes of previous cases), and custom (ways laws are applied in particular situations)

÷Found in most former British colonies (including US)

2.Civil law: very detailed and codified set of laws

÷Found in over 80 countries (e.g., Germany, France, Japan, Brazil, & Russia)

3.Theocratic law: based on religious teachings

÷Islamic law is the most widely practiced


Roughly how many miles/kilometers are there between Boston (home) and Seoul (host)? 

6801 miles / 10945.15 km


Name the two frameworks we learned in class to measure the external environment?



Why is the dish bibimbap named bibimbap?

bibim meaning "mixed" and bap meaning "rice."


Define globalization of production (need to be specific) and provide an example.

The globalization of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production (labor, energy, land, and capital)


This is the most common form of political system that exists in practice today(must be specific)

Representative democracy (must be specific)


List 4 indicators of geographic distance (must be distinct)

¡Physical distance between home and host

¡Different distribution channels

¡Climate differences

¡Infrastructural differences

¡Ways to get around in the city/area

¡How well connected is the host country?


Name and define the framework firms can use to evaluate their resource endowments

To be the basis of a competitive advantage, a resource must be:



•Costly to Imitate.

•Organized to capture the value of the resource.


Gyeongbok Palace is the largest of the Five Grand Palaces built by which dynastic family?

Joseon Dynasty


Explain the "10% surprise"


Explain the Opacity Index?

—Determines the risk premium/discount that US-based investors demand due to government opacity or lack of transparency

—Uses the following criteria to create “opacity index”

¡Government corruption

¡Laws on contracts or property rights

¡Economic policies

¡Accounting Standards

¡Business regulations

—Demonstrate interest-rate premium for increased opacity (using the United States as the base)


Define and give an example of both a folkway and a more

§Norms are the social rules that govern the actions of people toward one another and can be further subdivided into

üFolkways: the routine conventions of everyday life

§Kiss, bow, or shake hands?

üMores: norms that are seen as central to the functioning of a society and to its social life

§Drinking alcohol? Theft? Cannibalism?


Name the four different levels or types of strategy that businesses must consider

•Corporate Strategy

•Where to compete?

•Industry, markets, and geography.

•Business Strategy

•How to compete?

•Cost leadership, differentiation, or value innovation.

•Functional Strategy

•How to implement a chosen business strategy?

•Different strategies require different activities.

•Nonmarket Strategy

•How to manage social and political aspects?


During our "navigating Seoul" excursion during the first week, where were we asked to take pictures like celebrities?

Dongdaemun Design Plaza