WHHW hint when a person get caught
What had happened was
Who’s album in 2014 went triple platinum with no features
J. Cole
INSS hint after eating a good full meal
I need something sweet
What does your mama remind you that you always have at home when you say you’re hungry.
We got food at home
What turns everything around but doe not move
A Mirror
I have two hands but I can’t scratch myself what am I
A Clock
Name the movie and the character who said
Boyz n the Hood
WAGBT? hint what you ask before the function
Who all gonna be there
If you asked for McDonalds what’s your mama’s immediate response
Do you got McDonald’s money
If you have me you want to share me, if you share me you won’t have me what am I
A Secret
What has 13 hearts but no other organs
A deck of cards
Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan robbed a Church
First Sunday
TTFOTF hint what your mom ask you to do before she come home
Take the food out the freezer
Who your Mama is not
One Of Your Little Friends
What belongs to you but other people use it more than you
Your name
What disappears as soon as you say it’s name
In the movie love and basketball where is the scar Quincy gave Monica
The chin
IYKCIGYSTCA hint a child acts up in public
If you keep crying imma give you something to cry about
Before walking in a store your mama said what 3 things to you
Don’t ask for nothing , don’t touch nothing, and don’t look at nothing
Only one color but not one size stuck at the bottom yet easily flies what am I
A shadow
What has branches but no fruit no trunk or leaves
A Bank
You is smart, you is kind, you is important
The Help
SLAP hint when you receive the rundown
Sounds like a plan
This reason is the reason for everything that your mom told you to do
Because I said so
What comes once in a minute twice in a moment but never in a thousand years
The letter M