Last Test..Maybe

This is the upward force exerted on objects in a fluid

What is buoyancy?


This is how you find pressure

What is to divide the force by the area over which it is exerted?


This is why the water pressure is greater at a depth of 20 feet than it is at a depth of 10 feet?

What is more water is above at 20 feet than at 10 feet, and the increased amount of water applies a greater force?


Explain why you can lift your best friend in a swimming pool, but not easily on land

What is on land, you have to work against the force of gravity. In water, buoyancy helps. The upward pressure is greater than the downward pressure, so the net pressure is upward. The upward pressure helps your muscles life your friend?


This is the force that attracts two masses to each other

What is gravity?


This is why a satellite in orbit around Earth will not crash into Earth

What is the speed of the stellite is great enough to cause the satellite to orbit around Earth instead of crashin to Earth. Gravity acts as a centripetal force?


Answer #4 on page 411

What is the water pressure would be greatest on the side where air pressure was least?


This is how you could reduce the force of friction on a carpeted area

What is placing a smoother surface over the top of the carpet?


Air resistance increase with

What is increased speed and increased surface area?


These are the two factors that the gravitational force between two objects depends on

What is their mass and the distance between them?


What is happening to a satellite in orbit

What is it is always falling towards Earth?


Answer number 2 on page 411

What is region c?


The moon has no atmosphere. Would it be safe to skydive on the moon? Why?

What is no. Without atmosphere, there would be no air resistance to slow you down?


Answer #1 on page 411

What is air pressure?


Answer #3 on page 411

What is the difference in air pressure on the ball?


This is why a balloon filled with helium will float and a balloon filled with air from your lungs will sink

What is helium is less dense that the air in the atmosphere? An object that is less dense than the fluid (air) around it will float.


According to Pascal's principle, when you apply pressure to a fluid in a container, the additional pressure

is transmitted throughout the fluid with equal strength?


Would a shoebox of rocks exert more pressure on a surface if it was laying horizontal or vertical?

What is vertical, because the weight is concentrated in one spot instead of spread out throughout the shoe box?


This is why an iron boat can float but an iron cube cannot

What is the boat is shaped so that it displaces more liquid than the weight of the materials that it is made of? The volume of the boat contains iron and air, and the overall density is less than that of water?


This is the unit that we use to measure pressure

What is the pascal?


Explain how Pascal's principle applies to squeezing a tube of toothpaste

What is the force used to squeeze will be equal to the force of the toothpaste that comes out?


Bernoulli's principle states that

an increase in the speed of the motion of a fluid decreases the pressure within the fluid. The faster a fluid moves, the less pressure it exerts on surfaces or openings it flows over?

This is what happens to air pressure as you go up in elevation

What is the air pressure decreases. There is more pressure below you than above?


If I put two balls in a pool and one sinks and one floats, what do I know about the two balls and the forces acting on each? *Use the terms buoyant force and density in your response

What is the ball that sinks has a higher density than the ball that floats. For the ball that floats, its density is less than the density of water, so it displaces more than its own weight, and the buoyant force is greater than gravity. For the ball that sinks, its density is great than the density of water, so it displaces less water than its own weight and gravity is stronger than the buoyant force?


If a plastic ball and a solid metal ball are dropped in a vacuum, this is the ball that will hit the ground first

What is the balls will hit the ground at the same time?