artificial intelligence
more computer stuff!
you wont guess what this category is about....

Subset of AI that focuses on training algorithms to improve their performance based on data.
A. Algorithmic Training
B. Data Training
C. Machine Learning
D. None of the above

C. Machine Learning


The first programmers were:
A. Russian Military
B. Chinese Researchers
C. Women
D. Men in WWII

C. Women


Why are code errors called "bugs"?
A. They "bug" you since they cause frustration.
B. The first "bug" was an actual bug.
C. Because "bug" is an acronym for "Binary Unexpected Glitch".
D. It was just a random word that became widely used.

B. The first "bug" was an actual bug.


What enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language?

A. Language Replication
B. Natural Language Processing
C. General Language Understanding
D. None of the above

B. Natural Language Processing


Which is not an operating system?

A. Linux
B. Safari
C. Windows
D. Chrome

B and D


What is The Turing Test used for in AI?
A. A method of determining whether a machine can demonstrate human intelligence.
B. A method of determining the accuracy of the answers generated by the algorithm.
C. A method of determining if the AI is hallucinating.
D. A and B

A. A method of determining whether a machine can demonstrate human intelligence.


What is a neural network?

A. A computerized brain that can do anything the human brain can do.

B. A mathematical system that finds statistical patterns in massive amounts of data.

C. A type of chatbot that can generate unique prose and computer code.

B. A mathematical system that finds statistical patterns in massive amounts of data.


What is a White hat hacker?
A. Hacker that helps organizations develop stronger security.
B. Hacker that is motivated by malicious intent.
C. Hacker that is anonymous.
D. Hacker that helps by the government by to hacking into a criminal organization's software.

A. Hacker that helps organizations develop stronger security.


What does the acronym "RAM" stand for in the context of computer memory?

Random Access Memory


What is an AI "hallucination"?
A. When a large language model (LLM) predicts a future event.
B. When a large language model (LLM) acts like a human.
C. When a large language model (LLM) generates false information.

C. When a large language model (LLM) generates false information.


Which is not a programming language?

A. Python
C. JavaScript
D. R



What is the only way to truly delete data?

Overwriting it


What is the difference between traditional AI and a Large Language Model (LLM)?
A. LLM models have significantly larger datasets and more complex neural architectures
B. LLMs are trained on massive amounts of text data from the internet, allowing them to generate human-like text.
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

C. All of the above


Who created the first computer?
A. Apple
B. Microsoft
D. None of the above



What does an IP address identify?
A. Your device information
B. Your personal information
C. Your network information
D. All of the above

C. Your network information