An Introduction to Ethical Decision-Making
Is it true?
That is Private!
Where do your loyalties lie?
Journalism is Democracy

The main idea of this philosophy is the importance of having a good moral character, which can then affect the world around that person through the idea of “cosmic harmony.”

What is Confucius's Self Cultivation?


Law is equated to Justice. Medicine to rendering aid. Journalism is equated to this. 

What is communication of truth?


This demands that an ethical case be constructed for making known information that others wish to keep private.

What is need to know?


Withdrawing from the activity creating the conflict or appearance of conflict OR publicizing the elements of the conflict, thus allowing others to determine whether professional conduct has been undermined.

What is recommended alternatives for COI?


This is media content that is manipulated or fabricated on purpose. 

What is disinformation?


Emmanuel Kant introduced these two rules, meaning that their demands were universal and not subject to situational factors.

What is categorical imperatives?


In ancient Greece, linking truth and this is essential in an oral culture.

What is memory?


This is the least ethically compelling rationale for acquiring and disseminating information.

What is want to know?


In a mass society, the concept of this has lost much of its power

What is face-to-face loyalty?


Recent scholarship outlines four normative roles for the media in democratic political systems. This role is best captured by news coverage of elections and political advertising about candidates and public issues.

What is the facilitative role?


Aristotle, in developing the Golden Mean, focused on the actor, as does Confucius. Kant, in his categorical imperative, focused on the action, while this philosophy, focused on the outcome.

What is utilitarianism?


In one classic study a blind New York journalism professor claimed he could predict this about the football players being described in the play-by-play by what was said about them.

What is race?


This 21st century harms of privacy invasions lists four type of harm. This type of harm is related to governments and corporations amassing large amounts of data about individuals without their knowledge or consent

What is informational inequality?


Royce suggested a way to determine whether a specific cause was worthy of loyalty. A worthy cause should do this with the loyalties of others within the community.

What is harmonize?


Recent scholarship outlines four normative roles for the media in democratic political systems. This role is when the media promote the views of the state. Broadcasting weather forecasts can serve this role as can much less benign forms of this. 

What is the collaborative role?


Philosopher William David Ross (1930) based his ethical theory on the belief that there is often more than one ethical value simultaneously “competing” for preeminence in our ethical decision-making, a tension set up in the title of his book The Right and the Good.

What is the Pluralistic Theory of Value?


Medieval theologians believed truth was revealed only by these two institutions.

What is the church and the king?


This 21st century harms of privacy invasions lists four type of harm. This type of harm is related to  transferring data from your financial records to the local newspaper without appropriate contextual information

What is Informational Injustice?


a thought experiment whereby people would agree to be ruled in order to avoid a life that is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

What is a social contract?


Totalitarian regimes have historically used this rather than rational appeals to either gain or retain power.

What is emotional?


This approach refusee to try to deduce ethical codes from timeless rights; they resist abstract, disembodied, dislocated generalizations

What is Feminist Theory?


Milton suggested that competing notions of the truth should be allowed to coexist, with the ultimate truth eventually emerging, a concept he called this. 

What is the marketplace of ideas?


“the capacity to shape our own moral biographies, to reflect on our moral careers, to evaluate and identify with our own moral choices, without the critical gaze and interference of others”

What is encroachment on moral autonomy?


In the 21st century, we sometimes summarize this definition as “blind” loyalty or “unthinking” loyalty. Perhaps the best documented instances of this “dark side” of loyalty are the genocides of the 20th century.

What is be one with me?


The intersection of personality and public performance within the cultural and historical contexts. What journalists cover in politics. 

What is political character?