
To prevent tyranny, the authors of the Constitution drew on Montesquieu’s concept of

(1) religious liberty

(2) universal suffrage

(3) separation of powers

(4) supremacy of the nobility

(3) separation of powers


President Andrew Jackson used the spoils system to (1) attack the Tariff of Abominations

(2) reward supporters with United States government jobs

(3) win support for construction of the Erie Canal

(4) gain passage of the Indian Removal Act

(2) reward supporters with United States government jobs


A major goal of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to (1) encourage immigration from Latin American nations 

(2) strengthen the national commitment to Manifest Destiny 

(3) prevent further European colonization in the Western Hemisphere

(4) improve trade opportunities with Asian nations

(3) prevent further European colonization in the Western Hemisphere


The Proclamation of 1763 was intended to

(1) allow American farmers to use the Mississippi River

(2) outlaw slavery in the Ohio River valley

(3) prevent France from expanding into the Great Lakes region

(4) avoid conflicts with Native American Indians west of the Appalachian Mountains

(4) avoid conflicts with Native American Indians west of the Appalachian Mountains


Throughout the Civil War, an important advantage the North had over the South was that the North

(1) had superior military leaders

(2) had greater manufacturing capabilities

(3) received support from Great Britain and France

(4) used a strategy for fighting a defensive war

(2) had greater manufacturing capabilities


What was one result of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)?

(1) Sectional tension increased.

(2) The slave trade was abolished. 

(3) Northern states were more willing to compromise. 

(4) Southern states immediately seceded from the Union.

(1) Sectional tension increased.


Starting in the 1870s, Jim Crow laws were enacted in Southern states as a means to

(1) provide an education for formerly enslaved persons

(2) protect the voting rights of formerly enslaved persons

(3) enforce racial segregation

(4) ensure equal protection under the law

(3) enforce racial segregation


In the late 1800s, the term robber baron was used to describe some owners of big businesses primarily because they

(1) favored free trade

(2) eliminated competition using ruthless methods

(3) opposed the formation of corporations

(4) provided workers with high wages

(2) eliminated competition using ruthless methods


The term federalism is best described as the

(1) division of power between the national government and state governments

(2) creation of a two-house legislature in the national government

(3) method of reviewing laws and executive actions

(4) establishment of three branches of government

(1) division of power between the national government and state governments


After the Civil War, the sharecropping system emerged in the South primarily as a way to

(1) diversify agricultural production

(2) provide a labor supply to plantation owners

(3) give forty acres of land to freedmen

(4) guarantee economic equality for African Americans

(2) provide a labor supply to plantation owners


During the late 1800s, which development led to the other three?

(1) formation of labor unions

(2) increased demand for natural resources

(3) federal regulation of business trusts

(4) growth of industry

(4) growth of industry


One way the original Constitution of the United States addressed the issue of congressional representation was by

(1) not counting women as part of a state’s population for representation

(2) counting three-fifths of the enslaved population when determining representation

(3) setting a four-year term of office for all members of Congress

(4) giving every state the same number of representatives in the House

(4) giving every state the same number of representatives in the House


During the late 1800s, presidents and governors most often used military force during labor management conflicts as a way to

(1) support industrialists and end strikes

(2) make employers sign collective bargaining agreements

(3) protect workers from the private armies of employers

(4) replace striking factory workers with soldiers

(1) support industrialists and end strikes


Which event led directly to the secession of several Southern states from the Union?

(1) violence in Kansas over the spread of slavery

(2) election of Abraham Lincoln as president

(3) publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

(4) raid by John Brown at Harpers Ferry

(2) election of Abraham Lincoln as president


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was important in United States history because it established a method for

(1) admitting new states to the Union

(2) promoting diplomatic relations with foreign nations

(3) funding internal improvements

(4) securing ports on the Pacific Coast

(1) admitting new states to the Union