Grill's last name.
What is Newman?
Tara's nickname.
What is A-Rat?
The year Dayna was an LIT.
What is 2016?
Victor's city.
What is Paris?
Mason's sport.
What is ultimate frisbee?
Grill's hometown.
What is Simsbury, CT?
Loren's hometown.
What is Queens, NY?
Bridget's nickname.
What is Tonya?
Class Bryan is known for teaching.
What is biking?
Ethan's hometown.
What is Fairfield?
Grill's major.
What is biology?
Tara's older brother.
What is Shane McVeigh?
Alanna's last name.
What is Neary?
Bryan's college.
What is Rochester Institute of Technology?
Ethan's college.
What is the Rhode Island School of Design?
The year Grill was an LIT.
What is 2014?
Emma's counselors in Buckingham.
Alanna's cancelled class.
What is bollywood dance?
Victor's plans for next year.
What is business school?
Mason's first costaff.
What is Griffin Wolf and Matt Scannell?
The mascot of Grill's water polo team.
What is a unicorn?
Tara's birth month.
What is March?
What Tony calls Dayna.
What is Dinkins?
Jason's sister.
What is Halle Sarner?
Where Manuel went to boarding school.
What is England?