I love myself!
Making connections
"I said what I said!"
(communication/conflict resolution)
I can manage
(coping skills)
Some days scare me, and that's okay

Showing kindness to yourself and understanding you are a work in progress are examples of

What is self-compassion?


The 5 ___ ____ are the ways people show and receive love.

What is love languages?


If you have difficulty making eye contact, an inability to say no, have a "go with the flow" type of attitude, you might be this type of communicator.

What is passive?


A card with healthy coping skills on it is...

What is a coping card?


A powerful emotional response to a distressing event.

What is trauma?


Accepting yourself for who you are, rather than who you are not.

What is self-acceptance?


___ support help us manage emotions. This support might look like listening to problems and showing empathyaway.

What is emotional support?


These type of communicators often talk over other people, display poor listening and interrupt frequently, are controlling/demanding, and can sometimes be in positions of authority such as bosses. 

What is aggressive communicators?


Conscious strategies used to reduce unpleasant emotions. 

What is coping skills?


A stimulus—such as a person, place, situation, or thing—that contributes to an unwanted emotional or behavioral response

What is trigger?


____ might look like eating a healthy meal when you're hungry, exercising regularly, but resting when needed, rewarding yourself when you've met a goal, or enjoying a day off to relax. 

What is self-care?


The love language that shows and receives love by giving encouragement, stating feelings, or giving compliments. 

What is words of affirmation?


This style of communication offers an effective and healthy way to express yourself. 

What is assertive communication?


Drug or alcohol use, overeating, social withdrawal, self-harm, and aggression are some examples of _____ coping strategies. 

What is unhealthy?


This visual approach to relaxcation helps you create a mental "happy place" by creating a pleasant scene in your mind. 

What is guided imagery?


Positively loaded phrases, or statements that are used to challenge unhelpful or negative thoughts

What is affirmations?


___ support helps with practical problems such as money or a ride to school.

What is tangible?


Using ___ statements to express how you feel is a helpful soft startup for communication and conflict resolution.

What is "I" statements?


____ coping strategies might look like exercising, talking about your problem, relaxation techniques, or using social support.

What is healthy coping strategies?


TRUE or FALSE: The best way to deal with triggers are to avoid it.



The phrase "I may have said the wrong thing. I'll get it right next time." vs "I may have said the wrong thing. I'm the worst!" is an example of this...

What is challenging negative self-talk/thoughts?


_____ is the help provided by family, friends, groups, or communities. This help can fulfill emotional, tangible, informational, or social needs. 

What is social support?


During a conflict, emotions often run high and sometimes people want to bring up old issues that muddy the waters. Be sure to do this so everyone is on the same page.

What is identify the problem(s)?


____ are automatic responses to the way we express emotions, like anger or sadness.

What are emotional triggers?


A mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening or traumatic event

What PTSD or Post traumatic stress disorder?