Most likely to be wearing more than 3 layers on any given day
Who is Michelle L?
Has been left behind in a taxi on a night out
Who is Gill?
I am the ruler of the memes
Who is Daya?
Most likely to be riding a bike on the weekends
Who is Michelle W?
The crow video
Who is Andrew?
Upgraded our mascot and gave him a security details
Who is Matt?
Once said they had no clothes on as a reason for not turning on the camera in a meeting
Who is Shelly?
Appeared on the front page of the newspaper with the headline "A snake's in my bed"
Who is Angelique?
Our ring in with the Dad Jokes
Who is Rachel?
Owns a custom made fire pit and quite often enjoys a home brew alongside it
Who is Richard?
I have a birthday on the 10th of March
Who is Stephen?
Our horse whisperer
Who is Kristy?
Turned up to a meeting on May the 4th wearing a Storm Trooper helmet
Who is Dillon?
I'm not a chicken
Who is Oracow?
The date the original team came together
21st May 2018