What is the spiritual Principle behind the first step?
This addict has been seen at meetings in Delray Beach Florida, and is known for his hilarious stunts on TV as well as movies
Where does today come before yesterday?
The dictionary
What country is home to the largest bowling ally?
Who was the first person to suggest daylight savings time?
Ben Franklin
In order to get something you have never gotten…you have to
Do something you have never done
I’m 1970 Janice Joplin died of what?
Heroin Overdose
What kind of room doesn’t have any walls or doors?
A mushroom
Who won the first Super Bowl?
Among land animals, which spicies has the largest eyes?
Clean….Trust…and …..others
House, God, Help
This country singer has gone public about his involvement in AA and long term recovery.
Keith Urban
What do the numbers 11, 88, and 96 all have in common?
They are all read the same upside down
Who was the first overall pick in the 2022 NFL Draft?
Trevon Walker
Napoleon suffered defeat at Waterloo in which year?
This skill refers to responding to a thought of using by imagining what the future consequences will be
Playing the tape all the way through
This famous actor is now best known through his books and podcasts for being outspoken in the field of addiction and recovery. He has tried to make the 12 steps more applicable for today and promotes yoga and jui-jitsu.
Russell Brand
What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?
Your right elbow
How many 3 point shots did Kareem Abdul jabar make in his entire career?
What sea is next to Saudia Arabia?
Red sea
This term means addiction always gets worse, never better, over any considerable period of time.
This successful actor's early life was marked by drug addiction and eleven years in and out of prison in California. He credits his turnaround to boxing and attending 12-step meetings while incarcerated in San Quentin
Danny Trejo
What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
Their middle names
Who is the all time leader in blocks in the NBA ?
Hakeem Olijuwan
What is the only country that displays a bible on its national flag?
Dominican republic