What's Cookin'
Leave No Trace
Planning for Success
Get in Gear

The most likely hazards you may encounter while camping

What are environmental (weather), injuries, flora (plants), and fauna (animals)? 


Type of camp stoves our troop has

What are butane and combo butane/propane?


Places for trash when there aren't trash cans or a dumpster

What is your backpack and vehicle. Leave no trace by packing out your trash.


Good place to start when preparing for a campout

What is start with a packing checklist (in your Scout Handbook, online) that includes personal and patrol gear and grub planning and duty roster templates. 


Person who should pack their camping backpack

Who is the camper. NOT their parents. If you don't pack your own gear, you won't know what you have and where it is. 


Three types of heat injuries/illness

What are dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke?


Situation when it is okay to use a stove in a tent

What is NEVER


Great places to walk and camp in order to leave no trace

What are durable surfaces: trails, rock, dry grass, snow, designated campsites, 200 ft or more from streams/water. Don't camp on vegetation.


Things you can do before your trip so you leave no trace

What are plan ahead and prepare. Know the rules and special concerns where you are going. Watch and prepare for weather. Avoid high use times. Travel in small groups. Take bags/containers to pack out trash.


Type of items that should be on top of a packed camping backpack

What are the light items that you'll need first. 


Outdoor temperatures that increase the risk of dehydration

What are cold and hot temperatures? (Cold air is much dryer than warm air. The colder it is outside, the quicker water evaporates. So breathing leads to more fluid loss when it's cool out.)


Type of fuel our troop uses that is best for boiling water

What is propane


Ways to leave no trace with fire

What is avoid leaving evidence of fire, like burn scars, partially burned debris. Burn wood as thick as a wrist or smaller, burn to ashes, spread out cooled ashes. 


Ways to minimize risk of injury and illness before leaving for your trip

Know where you are going - weather and area hazards. Check first aid kit. Get in shape for any activities. Take proper gear and clothing. Hydrate.


Person who carries patrol gear for a hike-in campout

Who is everyone? Patrol gear is divided up so everyone shares the load.


Action to take when there is lightning or thunder on a campout

What is go inside a building or car? (If those aren't available, get away from high ground and open areas.)


Amount of food that is safe to eat after cooking fuel is spilled on it

What is none - this can poison you!


Ways to leave no trace with wildlife

What is leave them alone. Don't feed animals or give them access to food. Only observe animals from a distance, don't touch them - they live in nature and are trying to survive. 


Easy way to accommodate food restrictions within a group

What is a grub plan with foods that can be cooked separately, then assembled individually. Burritos, pasta, sandwiches, etc.


Best kind of sleeping bag for campouts

What is the type rated for the temperature where you're camping? 


Trees that are hazardous

What are dead trees, live trees with dead parts, and trees that are unstable and close enough to hit people or property? (Do not set up camp near hazard trees! The fall radius on flat ground is 1½ times the height of the tree or tree part that could fail.)


Three ways to treat water

What are boiling, filtering, and chemical tablets?


Recite the Outdoor Code

Outdoor Code


Info preparation for an emergency situation

Trip plan - info you leave at home with people who can help you if something goes wrong.
Emergency response plan - info you take with you to have in case of an emergency (troop med forms, nearest hospital location, etc.)


Part of backpack where heavier items should be placed

What is against the back of the pack?