What is PA all about?
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To gain health benefits, a total of ___ minutes of physical activity per week at moderate intensity is needed

What is 150?


“_____________ multi-component programs comprising of endurance, strength, and balance exercises.”

What are exercise interventions?


At least 2 days of this type of physical activity is recommended weekly to the general public.

What is resistance training?


There is some evidence that the use of ____________ maintains currency, promotes a motivational climate known as edutainment, and PA in children.

What is technology?


_______ number of steps that are needed to have an active day.

What is 10,000?


Risk factors are classified into two main categories: individual and ___________ factors.

What are environmental?


"Planned, structured, repetitive, and purposive in the sense that improvement or maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness as an objective"

What is exercise?


Recommended physical activity guidelines for healthy adults ages 18-64 are _____ minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity for 5 days a week.

What is 30?


Physical activity is associated with 7%, 22%, and 12% lower risk of developing hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and hypercholesteremia"

What is not?


One mile is approximately ___________ steps.

What is 2000?


For children K-12, the effect of PE and sport interventions at school include: physical activity, movement skills, and ________.

What is enjoyment?


_______ defined as waking behavior characterized by any waking behavior characterized by a sitting or reclining posture and a low energy expenditure of at or less than 1.5 METs.

What is sedentary time?


According to the Canadian recommended PA guidelines, daily exercise accumulation should be 60 minutes or 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity levels at least ___ days a week.

What is 4?


The association between high PA and low risk disease could be due to higher health levels in people who are more active.

What is fact?


Unequal distribution of power, income, and access to services, employment, and housing reduces the chances of poor people living healthier lives.

What are social determinants of health?


“_________ change approaches are important aspects for PE teachers related to physical competence and literacy in their students.”

What is behavior?


___ is measured by a maximal or submaximal exercise test as an objective marker of recent aerobic PA.

What is Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF)? 


According the World Health Organization, keeping children active daily for at least _____ minutes, helps to increase their mental, cardiometabolic, and bone health as well as increase their positive cognitive outcomes, prosocial behaviors, and sleep quality. 

What is 60?


According to WHO the most prevalent NCDs are: CVDS, cancers, respiratory diseases, and _________.

What is diabetes?


Process of enabling people to increase control over their health while improving it.

What is health promotion?


Improving concentration, cognition, and __________ achievement are results of effective physical education curriculum.

What is academic?


“_____________ is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activity.”

What is physical literacy? 

For people who aim to lose weight, ­­­­_____ minutes of physical activity are recommended.

What is 200-300?


From a global perspective of physical activity guidelines for adults and children, 28% of adults ages 18-64 and ___% of adolescents ages 11-17 fail to meet the recommended guidelines of WHO 2020.

What is 81%?


The global advocacy for physical activity council of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health provides ___ specific strategies to increase physical activity for communities.

What is 7?