You write on it.
What is paper?
It is yellow and curved.
Do monkey's love bananas?
They come in different colours.
Do you think eyes are the windows to the soul?
It makes things brighter.
Do you like the light or darkness?
You drink it in the morning to wake you up.
Did you know the majority of the world drinks coffee in the morning?
It comes from soybeans?
What is soysauce?
It's red on the inside and green on the outside.
Did you know watermelons in Japan are also yellow on the inside?
An adult has 32 of them.
Did you know that teeth are harder than bone?
When a glass is not empty.
Do positive people view the glass and being half full?
It has drumsticks and wings.
Do you like Kentucky Fried Chicken?
You use it to clean your teeth
Do you use a toothbrush after your meals?
It is long and orange.
Do rabbits like carrots?
It is the southern tip of your face.
Have you heard of a double chin?
When something is not far.
When you are near someone you like, does your heart beat faster?
It is normally cut into eight pieces.
Did pizza come from Italy?
What do you cut regularly and is not hair?
Are nails a part of you?
It has layers to it and makes you cry.
Do people have layers to them like an onion?
You use it to carry your bag.
Does you bag get heavy with books in it?
The opposite of clean.
Can you be dirty and tidy at the same time?
It's called different things by different countries.
Have you tried sweet potato fries?
You sit on me during picnics
Is grass green and itchy?
It has cloves and pairs well with ginger.
Does garlic help you when you have a cold?
Your food goes in here after eating.
How can a stomach also be called naval?
It is the opposite of fat.
Does thin, skinny and slim mean the same thing?
It is cured meat coming from a pig.
Do you have bacon for breakfast?