Work life balance
Conflicts in the workplace
Work place relationships
Let's have fun

What does ‘work-life balance’ mean

Definition: Work-life balance is equal time or priority to personal and professional activities


What does “conflict” mean?

Definition: an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles


What are work place relationships?

 Workplace relationships are unique interpersonal relationships between individuals in the workplace.


What is a budget?

A budget is a estimate of how much you earn vs. how much you spend and where you choose to spend it


1. Riddle: What has to be broken before you can use it?

An egg


What does a healthy work-life balance mean?

  • A healthy work-life balance could be:

    •  meeting your deadlines at work while still having time for friends and hobbies

    •  having enough time to sleep properly and eat well 


What are some of the different types of workplace relationships

  • Manager/Supervisors

  • Co-workers

  • Team members

  • Work friends

  • Mentor


What roles do managers and supervisors have in the workplace?

Your manager is the person you answer to. They assign you to work, hold you accountable, and help you succeed


6 Steps on How to Create a Budget

  1. Know your income

  2. Fixed expenses

  3. Variable expenses

  4. Prioritize

  5. Review Monthly

  6. Keep Track


 I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?

A candle 


An unhealthy work-life balance could be?

  •  worrying about work when you are at home

  •  You don’t have time to spend with your family or friends because you are always at work


How do conflicts start in the workplace, provide 3 examples. 

  • unfair or discriminatory treatment

  • poor communication

  •  inadequate training

  • changes to internal systems

  • Personality clashes

  • Unrealistic needs and expectations

  • even an unintentional slight or annoying habit that rubs someone the wrong way


What are team members?

  • Team members are the people on the same team as you. You see them and interact on a regular basis. Together you plan, design, develop, and execute work related to your job.


What is a want vs. a need?

A want is something that you don't need necessarily but you would like to have and a need is something that is necessarily such as groceries. 


 I used to be the favorite
But then someone else came in.
Buzz Lightyear.
Now he is my best friend.
Who I Am?



Do you think that a healthy work-life balance is important?

A healthy work-life balance can:

  •  Improve our mental health

  •  Reduce stress

  •  Improve our physical health

    • For example: having the time to eat healthy meals, get exercise, and create good sleep habits

  •  Improve our relationships with others

  •  Increase engagement at work

  •  Help us be more successful at our goals


Name ways to help resolve conflict

  1. Acknowledge that there is a problem

  2. Emphasize the ground rules

  3. Look for areas of agreement

  4. Affirm the values of different opinions

  5. Listen to everyone's point of view

  6. Define the conflict early 

  7. Create solutions


What are work friends? How are they different than co-workers?

Work friends are the folks you interact with socially at the office. You spend time with them during your break, at lunch, or walking to the bus station together. Every now and then, you may even hang out with them outside of work.


What is the budgeting rule/tip? 

Use the 20-30-50 rule


There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?

There aren’t any—it’s a one-story house.


Here are some signs that can tell you when your work-life balance may be unhealthy?

  • You're working way too many hours

  • Falling asleep (or barely staying awake) at work

  • You have no social life

  • Work is always on your mind

  • You never take a vacation or a sick day

  • Your personal space is a mess

  • You’re always stressed

  • You have no hobbies


What are some personal skills that can help resolve conflicts?

  • Communication

  • Positive Attitude

  • Active listening

  • Teamwork

  • Patience

  • Problem solving 

  • Stress-management


How can I create positive relationships at work?

1. Build trust 

2. Respect everyone

3. Practice Self awareness 

4. Be inclusive 

5. Communicate 


6 Steps on How to Create a Budget

  1. Know your income

  2. Fixed expenses

  3. Variable expenses

  4. Prioritize

  5. Review Monthly

  6. Keep Track


 What question can you never answer yes to?

Are you asleep yet