This is where I find the story of the First Vision.
Where is Joseph Smith History 1:15-20
What year was the Church restored?
This was Joseph's actual question.
Which church should I join?
Who is Martin Harris?
Besides me, who is the oldest person in our class?
From your journal, name at least one element of the circle type design.
When was the Kirtland Temple dedicated?
March 27, 1836.
This is the Scripture that Joseph read.
What is James 1:5-6?
This section is the first section. (Trick question)
What is section 2?
Besides yours, name a sibling of someone in our class.
This is the scripture we put at the base of our circle.
What is Hel. 5:12?
When did the Saints arrive in the Salt Lake valley?
July 24, 1847.
How many years did Joseph wait for his answer on which Church to join?
10 years
This is the first word in D&C 1
What is Hearken?
Sister Searle
Be the first to show your picture in D&C 1:30.
In what state was Joseph Smith born?
This was Joseph's age when he had the First Vision.
Number of sections in the D&C.
What is 138?
How tall am I?
“Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.”
Of the three Proclamations issued, which was given most recently?
Proclamation on the Restoration.
This is the year that he died.
This is the scripture written at the top of your diagram.
What is D&C 8:2-3?
From which high school did I graduate?