Only $10 to open an account with a .20 interest
What is the Christmas Club?
Mr. Teran comes to cash out a check stating that it is a gift from his uncle. The check is for $400.00
Reach out to a supervisor!!!
Can we make cash payments on a locked account?
Yes, but after calling 6044 or 6084 to get approval and credentials
Free to open the account, after $2,500.00 you get an interest of .1
Checking Account
what checks don't we accept?
What are temporary checks?
What is a Money Market?
Member had a lock in an account for a returned item. This member came to deposit a check for $40.00 from Walmart. What is your process?
Put member on hold
Call 6044-risk
Decline check if they say so or proceed if they allow and put whoever approved credentials
Are all POA documents good for giving access to a person over a member's account?
No, you have to check each POA and make sure they exclusively were given access to the transactions they are trying to complete
Intro rate of 1.9% APR for the first 6 months
Empowerment Credit Card
What are the 7 points to look for in a check?
Date, written and numerical amount, FI, Check number, endorsement, Drawer, Payee
This account is designed to assist members in saving for retirement or when selected for qualified education expenses
Double points if you can name them all!
What are IRA account?
Coverdell ESA
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
Member is not okay with the hold your supervisor decided on. How do you proceed?
Let them know every check in subject to a hold and we do it on a check to check basis. We have to allow it to run through the banking channels.
What is the limit for IRA payroll deposits in a year?
$7,000 or $8,000 if over 50 years old
Can be linked to checking to avoid NSF/Overdraft fees
Revolving credit
What is Line of Credit?
What are the holds for checks amount/time?
5525 in two business days
rest in 7 business days
new accounts 15 business days
What are the interest build-up accounts we offer?
Money Markets
Member came in to deposit $500.00 in 1s
If a member has a lock on their Saving's account but wants to withdraw out of their Checking's account, are we able to proceed?
No, we still need to call Risk to verify and get credentials
Eligible to get this loan if
You have been employed for at least 12 months
it has a fixed rate of 27.9%
6 month term loan
Same day approval
What is a fast cash loan?
What do you do when you get a fraudulent GECU check?
Reach out to a supervisor
Reject the check
Contact member