This tab lets you add specific links that you want your visitors to access in the header of your site.
How many course templates do we have?
Gamify Lite
Gamify Lite with Sidebar
What are the built-in payment integrations in Kajabi?
Stripe, Paypal, and Kajabi Payments
Name 3 Funnel Templates that starts with an Opt-in Page.
Six templates:
Sales Page
Product Launch
Zoom Webinar
Free Book
Coaching Campaign
Except for: Simple Sales Page
What is the CX Vision Statement?
To be the most customer-centric company in the world
What does SEO stand for?
Search Engine Optimization
1:1 Coaching
Group Coaching
It is used as a way to advertise another offer after the initial offer has been purchased. A user will complete the checkout flow and then be presented with a new page with the option to purchase another offer.
It is a great feature for your Forms. The _________ automatically sends a confirmation email to the address inputted on the Form. This email will prompt your subscriber to confirm that they would like to be added to your list and receive your marketing emails.
Double Opt-in
What is the name of the channel for tracking CSat or Customer Positive Comments in Real-Time?
Can you provide two examples of website editor that are available for use in Kajabi?
This feature lets you configure what time of the day modules will become available to your customers.
Drip Settings
It is used to advertise another offer on the checkout form. Within the Checkout Page, your customer can see an option to include an additional Offer with their purchase.
Order Bump
How do we upload a video into an email campaign in Kajabi?
Videos cannot be uploaded directly into an email campaign in Kajabi, and that instead, a clickable image must be inserted and used to redirect recipients to a page where the video can be played.
What is the name of the ongoing company initiative in rewarding rockstar employees embodying any of the 6 Core Values.
2024 Kajabi Spotlight Awards
Which of the following actions are NOT available when configuring a system page in Kajabi?
• Edit Details
• View Analytics
• Duplicate
• Modify Code
How many videos can we "upload" in one post inside the Product?
Only one! But you can embed another video in the post details.
Where do we need to go if we need to add tracking codes for the Checkout Pages?
Settings > Checkout Settings
Which feature in Kajabi that lets you specify your repetitive tasks to trigger the "Then" action only if the _____ specified is present.
Conditions / Conditional Filter
What is the name of the Team that handles volume forecasting, staff scheduling, time tracking, and productivity reporting for the Support team?
Workforce Management Team
This lets you add custom javascript to be placed on all site Pages. The code will be placed in the <head> section of every page.
Provide the name and the location of this feature.
Header Page Scripts in Settings > Site Details
Apple Podcast
Spotify for Podcaster
This removes your Member from the Product(s) after your specified number of days. This means your Member will no longer have access to the Product(s) of your Offer from their Library.
Restrict Access
What are the names of all six types of funnel blocks that can be generated within Kajabi's funnel builder?
Pages, Form, Events, Email Sequence, Automation, Checkout.
What are the six core values?
Foster Belonging
Obsess Over Customers
Take Ownership
Control Over Destiny
Be Ambitious