RCT Description
Strengths and Weaknesses
Validation and Assumptions

This is used to reduce confounding factors and determine causality.  

What is randomization?


This approach decreases biases in a study where neither the patient nor the study physician knows what treatment the patient has been assigned.

What is a double-blind study?


Reviewing a study design to examine the extent to which the results apply outside the study setting which could be a patient population or geographical setting.

What is external validity?


After the achievement of obtaining her MSN degree, this content creator has aspirations to transition to a nursing educator role.        

Who is Christine?


RCT’s are a form of this type of research.    

What is experimental research?


This type of participant selection ensures that participants are equally divided between groups that will later be compared.

What is randomized participant selection?


Reviewing a study design to examine the extent the study is free from bias and trust worthy cause and effect relationship between treatments.

What is internal validity?


These activities keep Brandy and her family active throughout the year.

What is skiing and camping?


This is considered a defining feature of RCT’s.  

What is randomization?


These 4 factors can negatively affect a study’s outcome the longer participants are involved.

What is participant death, change in location, non-compliance, and loss of interest?


This is defined as a research participant’s altered behavior in response to being observed.

What is the Hawthorne Effect?


Who has 2 fur babies named Luna and Lenny who she loves very much?



Whether occurring in a lab or field setting, the environment needs to remain this.  

What is controlled?


This blinding strategy, where neither the participant nor the researcher is aware of the treatment received, was used to further reduce any bias.  

What is double blind?


In the review study, the candidates were only drawn from the MSIC which serves a vulnerable patient population.

What is the external validity?


Combine the first name initials of the content creators and you get this song from The Jackson 5.       

  What is ABC? (“A-B-C, it’s easy as 1-2-3”) 


The reason it was appropriate for Dietze et al. (2019) to perform a RCT.  

What is comparing the effectiveness of narcan interventions?


In the review of the study, Effect of Intranasal vs Intramuscular Naloxone on Opioid Overdose the participants were selected using this method to decrease biases.

What is a Computer-generated 1:1 randomization schedule?


This is where the details of the treatment methods are described here

What is a study protocol?

What research design did group 2 present on?

Randomized Control Studies