There are 50 countries in Europe.
How many countries are there in Europe?
He was bullied at school.
Where was he bulllied?
Slaves were sold at public auctions.
Where were slaves sold?
Women in the USA got the right to vote in 1920.
When did women in the USA get the right to vote?
Banksy started his career in Bristol.
Where did Banksy start his career?
The most populated city in Europe is Istanbul.
What is the most populated city in Europe?
Tom bullied his classmate.
Who bullied his classmate?
Slavery was abolished by Abraham Lincoln
Who abolished slavery?
New Zealand was the first country to get the right ot vote for women.
What was the first country to get the right ot vote for women?
Banksy has always remained anonymous.
Who has always remained anonymous?
The EU was created in 1993
When was the EU created?
She has been bullied for two years.
How long has she been bullied?
Black people had to sit at the back of the buses during segregation in the South of the USA
What did black people have to do in the buses during segregation in the South of the USA?
Emmeline Pankurst fought for Women's right to vote.
What did EP fight for?
Diana's portrait was on the £10 note Banksy gave to the British museum in 2019.
Whose portrait was on the £10 note Banksy gave to the British museum in 2019?
Europe is as big as the USA
How big is Europe?
They bullied him because he was overweight.
Why did they bully him?
L. Hughes has always been proud of being black because Black people are part of US history.
Why has LH always been proud of being black?
Women aged 30 and over could vote in the UK from 1918.
How old were women who could vote in the UK from 1918?
Banksy manages to be paint very quickly thanks to stencils.
How does Banksy manage to paint very quickly?
The EU was created to promote peace.
What was the EU created for?
You should have told an adult?
Whom should you have told?
Thanks to sit-ins, boycotts and marches, civil right activists managed to make the Civil Right Act pass in 1965.
How did civil right acivists manage to make the Civil Right pass in 1965?
The suffragettes fought for women's right to vote.
Whose right to vote did the suffragettes fight for?
Moose uses art to help protect environment.
What does Moose use art for?