Names of the Infant Toddler teams in 2012.
What is East and West teams.
Prerequisite language skill where a child consistently responds to his/her name.
What is "Responds to People."
Age when children typically use 10 words
What is 15 months.
Every toddler will get better if you work on this.
What is "working on the RIGHT things."
Why a child that doesn't initiate can't ask for help because of this.
What is "because he doesn't know how."
Name of the "little toilet" in the bathroom of the Early On/Infant Toddler offices when they were located at Career Tech Center.
What is the "squatty potty."
Prerequisite language skill where a child can hold a toy.
What is "Reacts to Events in the Environment."
Age at which children typically use 1000 words.
What is 36 months.
A parent should worry if this occurs at any age.
What is loss of babbling, words or social skills (like eye contact.)
Prerequisite language skill where a child looks to where you point.
What is "Uses Early Gestures."
How many total offices does the Early Childhood team use in the Pine Rest/Fisher building?
What is 17 offices.
Type of language delay that is most overlooked in a toddler.
What is receptive language delay.
The very worst advice a parent can receive when their toddler does not use words.
What is "wait and see."
The age a parent should worry if a child is not using single words.
What is 16 months.
Prerequisite language skill where a child is able to listen and respond to you when he's busy with something else.
What is "Shifts and Shares Joint Attention."
This used to pay a visit to your desk if you made a mistake in your Early On/Infant Toddler paperwork.
Who is the roaring dinosaur.
Prerequisite language skill where a child will spend time listening to you.
What is "Develops a Longer Attention Span."
Children typically use 50 words at this age.
What is 18 months.
Age a parent should worry if a child has difficulty making and maintaining eye contact with an adult and no big smiles or joyful expressions when interacting with another person.
What is six months.
Prerequisite language skill where a child can understand that communication is a two-way street.
What is "Begins Turn Taking."
Names of Early On Coordinators/Birth to Three Coordinators we have had since 2012.
Who is Donna Morrison, Mary Forness, Robin Hornkohl, Tracy Spincich, Amy Strom
Prerequisite language skill where a child looks at you while making a noise.
What is "Vocalizes or Makes Sounds Purposefully."
Looking at this is a good starting point to decide if there's a potential problem with language development in a toddler.
What is the number of words a toddler says.
Age a parent should worry if a child uses no simple sentences and strangers have difficulty understanding what a child is saying.
What is 36 months.
Parents can miss this quality about their child.
What is "how quiet a child is."