Spell SAD
S; fist, thumb in front
A; thumb on side of fist hand
D; pointer finger up, other fingers in O shape
Spell PICK
P; pointer and middle finger extended, thumb touching middle finger, hand pointed towards the ground
I; pinky up, the rest of fingers closed in fist
C; fingers together, curved hand
K; pointer and middle finger extended, thumb touching middle finger, hand pointed towards ceiling
pointer finger extended, other fingers closed in fist; pull hand back towards self into C handshape
"Thumbs up" shaking/twisting side to side
Pointer and thumb extended, other fingers closed in fist - wiggle thumb in and out of "fist" quickly
Spell JAM
J; pinky finger up, other fingers closed - trace J shape in the air with pinky
A; fist shape, thumb on side
M; thumb underneath pointer, middle, and ring finger
P; pointer and middle finger extended, thumb touching middle finger, hand pointing towards the ground
R; pointer and middle finger crossed
I; pinky extended, other fingers closed in fist
D; pointer extended, other fingers closed in O shape
E; fingers rolled in towards palm
Palm facing self; flick pointer finger upwards twice
Start #4 handshape (thumb touching palm, other fingers extended) change to #9 handshape (pointer and thumb connected, other fingers extended)
Spell DOWN
D; pointer finger extended, other fingers closed to O handshape
O; fingers closed to loose "fist" (making an O shape)
W; pointer, middle, ring finger extended, other fingers closed
N; thumb under pointer and middle finger
Spell TRY
T; thumb under pointer finger
R; pointer and middle finger crossed, other fingers closed in fist
Y; thumb and pinky extended out to the sides, middle three fingers down
Spell MOON
M; thumb under pointer, middle, and ring finger
O-O; O handshape (flingers closed, but not in a tight fist) moving away from body
N; thumb under pointer and middle finger
#3 handshape (thumb, pointer, and middle finger extended, pinky and ring finger closed) palm facing floor, bounce twice (in-out)
Start in #3 handshape (thumb, pointer, and middle finger extended, other fingers closed), change to #8 handshape (thumb and middle finger connected, other fingers extended)
1) pointer and thumb extended, other fingers closed, open to 5 hand (all fingers extended)
2) open #5 hand, wiggle middle finger in and out of "fist" quickly
Spell CAN
C; fingers together, curved hand
A; fist hand, thumb on side
N; thumb under pointer and middle finger
F; pointer and thumb connected, other fingers extended
U; pointer and middle finger extended, together, other fingers closed in fist
N; thumb under pointer and middle finger
Y; thumb and pinky extended, other fingers closed
Start in #9 position (pointer and thumb connected, other fingers extended) change to #6 position (pinky and thumb connected, other fingers extended)
Start in #6 handshape (thumb touching pinky, other fingers extended) change to #3 handshape (thumb, pointer, and middle finger extended, other fingers closed)
P; pointer and middle finger extended, thumb touching middle finger, hand pointing towards the ground
I; pinky extended, other fingers closed in fist
Z; pointer finger extended, other fingers closed in fist, trace Z shape in air
A; fist shape, thumb on side
BONUS - ZZ; pointer and middle finger extended (bent) tracing Z shape in air
Spell ZAP
Z; pointer finger, trace Z shape in the air
A; fist hand, thumb on side
P; pointer and middle finger point to ground, thumb touching middle finger
Q; pointer and thumb parallel, pointing to the ground, other fingers closed in fist - U; pointer and middle finger extended together, other fingers closed in fist - E; palm out, fingers curled in towards palm - S; closed fist, thumb in front - T; thumb under pointer finger - I; pinky extended, other fingers closed - O; fingers closed, not in tight fist (making O shape) - N; thumb under pointer and middle finger
Start with #8 handshape (middle finger touching thumb, other fingers extended) in towards the body, rock out to #7 handshape (ring finger touching thumb, other fingers extended)
Start with #7 handshape (ring finger touching thumb, other fingers extended) away from the body, rock in to #8 handshape (middle finger touching thumb, other fingers extended)
A; fist with thumb on side - L; pointer and thumb extended, other fingers closed in fist - P; pointer and middle finger extended, thumb touching middle finger, other fingers closed in fist, hand pointing to floor - H; pointer and middle finger extended, together, palm to body, pointing to opposite side - A - B; thumb touching palm, other fingers extended, together - E; palm out, fingers curled in towards palm - T; thumb under pointer finger