During this time of the day we take care of diapering, toileting, and tooth brushing.
What is personal care routines
Children in the early childhood years (birth through 3rd grade) learn best through.
What is hands-on learning, problem solving and discovery?
Preschoolers tend to recognize which letters first:
What is the letters in their own name?
Attempts to lift head when on tummy, grasps what is seen and brings fingers to mouth are ________ milestones.
What is physical?
Children need vegetables, fruit, dairy, protein and grains for their ________ needs.
What is Nutrional?
At this time we say all our good-byes.
What is departure?
Developmentally Appropriate Practice takes into consideration a) age appropriateness b) individual appropriateness c) cultural appropriateness d) all of the above.
What is d) all of the above?
What domain is how children feel about themselves and others?
Social and Emotional development?
This form of feeding has advantages for baby, mother and the family
What is breast-feeding?
Enough mulch Fall zones Appropriate equipment - nothing broken Screw, nuts an bolts Chipped wood Chipped paint
What are some of the things checked for the outdoor playgrounds?
Hello, 2-3 questions are asked and maybe a little crying.
What is arrival?
Early childhood education covers birth through
What is 3rd grade?
This technique should be used when disciplining a child. A teacher should get to the child's level and explain why the behavior was wrong using real life situations and examples.
What is verbal intervention?
Babies that sleep in car seats, swings and baby seats are more prone to this.
What is SIDS?
Vaccines that protect children from certain diseases.
What are immunizations?
Dramatic play, small group, and parallel play
What is centers?
The program ensures that children are offered a comprehensive curriculum that responds to their individual needs by including this on each lesson plan.
What is Individualization?
Must not be used as a reward or punishment
What is food and physical activity?
Reading books and saying rhymes are activities that help children develop_______ skills
What is language?
This is to be completed each morning as the children arrive.
What is Daily Safety Check Sheet?
True or False: Panning time is used for room hopping, gossiping, sitting, or watching others work.
What is False.
This database is used for observational assessment to assess the ongoing development and learning of children from birth through kindergarten. This tool has 36 objectives organized within the areas of social–emotional, physical, language, cognitive, literacy, and mathematics.
What is Teaching Strategies?
This cannot happen in Head Start because of a child's behavior.
What is expulsion?
1. Hear it a lot 2. People react when they say it
What are the two reasons toddlers say no all the time?
The three A's of a healthy child.
What are activity, appearance, and appetite?