____ name's Teresa.
HIS name's Edward.
We use ___ for things/people NEAR YOU (here).
We use THESE for things/people NEAR YOU (here).
I have got _ _______ ________ .
The house __ _______
Which is the plural plural of book?
She's Asian. She's from ____ .
She's Asian. She's from ASIA .
We're Scottish. ______ surname's MacLeod.
We're Scottish. OUR surname's MacLeod.
We use ___for one thing/one person NEAR YOU (here).
We use THESE for one thing/one person NEAR YOU (here).
A very night cold it's.
It's a very cold night.
What's the pluarl of play?
It's palyS.
We're English. We're from ______ .
We're English. We're from England .
____ name's Charles.
HIS name's TCharles.
We use ___for one thing/one person which is not near you (there).
We use THAT for one thing/one person which is not near you (there).
city dangerous This is a very
This is a very dangerous city.
Which is the plural of watCH?
I'm from Argentina. I'm __________/ ________ .
I'm from Argentina. I'm Argentinian / Argentine.
It's a Chinese reestaurant. ____ name is Merry City.
It's a Chinese reestaurant. ITS name is Merry City.
We use ___for things/people which aren't near you (there).
We use THOSE or things/people which aren't near you (there).
Which ofis the options is correct?
They're blue jeans.
They're jeans blue.
They're blue jeans.
Which is the pluarl of COUNTRY?
It's countrIES.
I'm from Japan. I'm _________ .
I'm from Japan. I'm Japanese .
We're students.____ teacher's name is Matt.
We're students.OUR teacher's name is Matt.
Who's ____ man over there? He's my father.
Who's THAT man over there? He's my father.
quite My long hair is
My hair is quite long.
Final ____ after CE, CH,SH, __,GE and __.
Final -ESafter CE, CH,SH, S,GE and X, e.g. watCHES, glaSSES, purSES
Use small/CAPITAL letters for countries, continents, nationalities and languages.
UseCAPITAL letters for countries, continents, nationalities and languages, e.g. Japan NOTjapan; English NOT english.