Embedded Questions
Phrasal Verbs
Passive Voice
Present Perfect

Answer the following question:

What do you think you should have done to improve your English?

I should have...


State 3 introductory phrases used for embedded questions

Could you tell me, Do you know, Can you explain, I'm not sure, I wonder...


Is the following sentence correct:

The family cannot look around because both parents are unemployed.

Wrong, get by


Is the following sentences correct:

The car was stealed by the young man.

The care was stolen by the young man


What is the structure for a present perfect sentence?

Subject + have/has + verb in past participle


Mention 3 Modal verbs

Can, May, Might, Must, Should, Could


Using Can you explain... write an embedded question

Can you explain why you always arrive late?


Fill in the blank with the correct Phrasal verb:

Will you keep _____ ______ your parents just because they didn't let you go to the party?

going against


Write a sentence using the future passive about waking up

The baby will be woken up by your alarm if you don't turn it off


Answer the following questions

Have you ever done an extreme sport?

What is the biggest change you have seen in the past 15 years in society?

I have/I haven't done...

The biggest change I have seen is...


Correct the following sentence:

You may go to the hospital since you are bleeding out.

You SHOULD go to the hospital


Change the following sentence into an embedded questions

What TV shows have you watched?

Do you remember what TV shows you have watched?


Put the phrasal verbs in the correct sentence

Get over

Bring up

Fed up

I am ____ ____ with my phone, it keeps turning off even though it is fully charged

You need to ______ _____ your cold before your job interview

Do not ______ _____ politics in front of Father, you know he will start fighting with Uncle Sam

I am fed up

You need to get over

Do not bring up

Write a sentence in question form using the Passive Voice

Was the new website designed by the graphics design team?


Correct the following sentences:

We have just arrove to the airport

She have forgot her umbrella

We have drived through the countryside for 3 hours

We have just arrived

She has forgotten

We have driven


Write a modal sentence in the present perfect

He could have sold his car


Write an embedded question in both question form and as a statement in the past tense

Would you mind telling me how much you paid for that shirt?

I wonder how much you paid for that shirt


Define the following Phrasal Verbs

Take over

Get away

Give up

Take over: gain control of something

Get away: to escape or leave

Show up: to stop doing something


What is the structure of the passive voice sentences in:

Present Perfect

Simple Past

Present Continuous

Subject + is/am/are + been + verb in past participle

Subject + was/were + verb in past participle

Subject + is/am/are + being + verb in past past participle


Change the following sentences to put them into Present Perfect

I didn't break the Statue of Liberty

My mom will be hiding all the Christmas toys in her closet

We continue to watch the children's progress throughout the experiement

I haven't broken the Statue of Liberty

My mom has hidden all the Christmas toys in her closet

We have continued to watch the children's progress throughout the experiment


Situation you go to a new city get lost and your things are robbed

Write 3 sentences using modals in the present perfect of what you should have done differently.

2 in affirmative form, 2 in negative form

(4 sentences total)

We could have bought a gun

If we got a tour guide we might have not gotten lost


Write 4 embedded questions as both statements and affirmative 

2 in negative form

2 in affirmative form

I don't know if you didn't eat the spoiled lasagna

Let's ask to see if he has accepted the reward

Would you mind telling me if some didn't pay for their ticket?

Do you think they will participate in the hotdog eating competition?


Write sentences using the following phrasal verbs:

Clean up, get ahead, turn down

Jimmy decided to turn down the offer to work at the company. Instead, he bought a building, cleaned it up, and started his own business. After working hard everyday and made connections with other companies which helped him get ahead and succeed. 


Using the past continuous and present perfect write sentences in the passive voice about a crime

Past continuous: The painting was being stolen from the house while everybody slept.

Present Perfect: The murders have been committed in the abandoned house by the janitor


Using the present perfect write a question and negative sentence about getting lost

Have you ever gotten lost in a forest?

I haven't gotten lost in crowd because I am so tall.