
[1] Finish the quote "The house is…" 

...wife and mother now, and nursemaid"


[6] In the Veldt... Which room does most of the story involve?

The Nursery


[11] What are the names of the children in The Veldt

Peter & Wendy


[16] Describe one technique from The Veldt and explain its purpose.

Mrs Cotton to assess whether you get the points or not!


[2] This quote is an example of what type of language feature “This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them” 



[7] In the Veldt... Name two other types of settings in The Veldt: 

Will accept: 

* The Happylife Home
* The Veldt
* The Jungle
* Social setting of futuristic


[12] In Nosedive what was the name of the truck driver?



[17] How is colour used in Nosedive? 

Colour is used to portray the social status of characters and the social conformity that takes place. Pastelle, natural and light show higher status people. Dark and dull tones portray those who are seen as outsiders.


[3] Give an example of Foreshadowing from The Veldt...

Will accept any of the following:

Vultures: "A shadow passed through the sky. The shadow flickered on George Hadley’s upturned, sweating face." 

George's Wallet: “What is that?” she asked.

“An old wallet of mine,” he said. He showed it to her. The smell of hot grass was on it and the smell of a lion. There were drops of saliva on it, it had been chewed, and there were blood smears on both sides.

Lydia's Scarf: Hello.” He bent and picked up a bloody scarf. “This yours?”

“No.” George Hadley’s face was rigid. “It belongs to Lydia.”

Screams: "A moment later they heard screams. Two screams. Two people screaming from downstairs. And then a roar of lions... "Those screams--they sound familiar."


[8] The Airport is an important scene...why?

I will take any of the below:
* highlights the extreme lengths Lacie will go to maintain social status (her politeness)
* development point for Lacie's character. We begin to see the crack in her facade and is the beginning of her Nosedive.
* is a satire of the critique of superficiality of social interactions. Things are beyond polite to the point it is absurd. This reflects the hollowness of the culture and the insincerity.
* Visual contrast in that it is notably dull and sterile in comparisons with the higher rated environments earlier in the episode.


[13] In the Veldt, what character said this: “Run, see and come tell”



[18] Name a technique from Nosedive that shows Lacie as being free.

Will accept:
* Extreme close up of lens being taken out
* Low angle shot / Wide Shot of Lacie seeing dust and being happy about seeing the imperfections
* Mid shot of bridesmaid dress falling to the ground and with it the expectations of society.
* Dialogue - her swearing at the other prisoner.


[4] Finish this quote from Nosedive... ""I have to play the numbers game,... 

....That's how the world works" - Lacie


[9] Name four important settings we see in Nosedive

 I will take any from the below:
* Lacie's home
* Lacie's neighbourhood
* The Cafe
* Pelican Cove
* Airport
* Wedding Venue
* Jail at the end


[14] In Nosedive, how does Lacie’s character change? 

She is fake, obsessed and cringeworthy in the beginning. She wants to be seen as important and worthy of a 5-star rating. Throughout the story her mask, her facade, begins to crack as she struggles to fight for a high status life that she desires. At the end she is finally free of the social pressures and lets go. She is finally able to be herself.


[19] What is the point of listing in The Veldt? 

Listing helps us to understand just how much the house has taken over the roles of the parents. It is understandable that the children see the house as their caregiver as it does everything for them. This highlights the idea of how an overreliance on technology can have negative impacts on relationships as is seen between George, Lydia, Peter and Wendy.


[5] What theme does this set of dialogue from Nosedive portray? 

Hansen: So in terms of quality, you could use a punch up right there. Ideally, that's up votes from quality people.

Lacie: Quality people?

Hansen: High fours. Impress those up-scale folks, you'll gain velocity on your arc and there's your boost.

This set of dialogue highlights the idea of social conformity and living a life behind a facade.


[10] How does the setting in The Veldt contribute to the story's overall atmosphere and mood?

Will accept anything along the lines of: 

The setting in "The Veldt" contributes to the story's overall atmosphere and mood by creating a sense of artificial comfort and detachment. The highly automated home is meant to make life easier but results in a feeling of isolation and estrangement from real, human connections. The contrast between the pristine home and the sinister veldt also contributes to the story's sense of foreboding and unease.


[15] In Nosedive, the characters Ryan and Susan are important why?

They are the contrast to what she is striving for. They challenge her and make her think about what she is doing. They are shown to be outsiders with low stars, darker colours.


[20]   In Nosedive what is the point of using diegetic sound of the star rating system?

For us, as an audience, member it makes us acutely aware of the ongoing evaluations that are happening in the film and their impact on the individuals life. We are drawn into the world of rating systems and we feel awkward for those who get 1 star rating and a somewhat shallow success for those who get higher ratings. Depending on the contrasting sounds, it contributes to the atmosphere. Happy with the euphoric chimes and distressed or humiliated with the jarring low note.