Phrases to uplift or motivate you
positive affirmations
Use these to pass free time
Healthy Hobbies
The essential Inner drive, focus and desire, that brings about positive change and attainment of goals
Admitted we are powerless our life is unmanagable
Step 1
This can happen during any stage of change
When you spend too much, use too much or too often and life problems are steadily piling up, it is a good sign you have lost this
The practice of taking an active role in regularly doing things that improve your well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress
True or False: Happy events/memories can trigger relapse
The ability to look inside yourself honestly and truthfully: self-awareness
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory
Step 4
What stage describes when the change has been fully integrated into your lifestyle?
Maintenance Stage
Failure to recognize the truth about a problem, particularly an addiction, is often referred to as this
Getting support from a neutral person who can help with mental health and addiction concerns
This is becoming comfortable and overconfident that can sometimes lead to relapse
*Name one way you have become complacent now or in the past*
Something just about everyone needs when overcoming a difficult challenge.
*Share your biggest support through your recovery process*
The two action steps where we make ammends to people we have harmed
Steps 8 and 9
"I don't have a problem with drugs! I can quit any time!" is an example of what stage?
pre-contemplation stage
Maintain limits with self and others, protecting your personal and emotional space, avoid negativity
What you should do when you feel like you might use
call recovery supports or sponsor
These thoughts are harmful in recovery and can be things we tell ourselves to talk us into using again
Relapse Justification thoughts
* Share a justification you have used*
It is essential to learn to eliminate this negative emotion which stems from holding on to anger and grudges
Carried this message to other addicts and practice these principals in all of our affairs.
Step 12
"I am going to IOP regularly, taking my medication as prescribed, practicing my coping skills, and talking about my feelings as necessary."
Action stage
Talking, Listening, Sharing, Expressing
A mental state that is achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique
What are the three stages of relapse
Emotional-- having negative emotions that cause individuals to stop using coping skills
Mental-- thinking about using and beginning to justify
Physical-- partaking in drug or alcohol use
If you find and discover this it can help you define your goals and add meaning and direction in your life
This is the year that NA was founded
List the five stages of change.
Pre-contemplation; Contemplation; Preparation; Action; Maintenance
*State what stage you are in right now*
Situations or events that may pose a threat to an individual's sobriety are considered.
High Risk Situations