Simple Past / PPS / PPC Sentences
Simple Past / PPS / PPC Questions
1st / 2nd Conditional

They / play cards / for two hours

They have been playing cards for two hours.


When / arrive / to school?

When did you arrive to school?


I know how to swim.

I ________(swim)



1st conditional: I am going to pass Level 5. I am going to go to Level 6.

If I pass Level 5, I'm going to / will go to Level 6.

I'm going to / will go to Level 6 if I pass Level 5.


I studied hard. I got a bad grade.

I studied hard, but I got a bad grade.

Although I studied hard, I got a bad grade.

I got a bad grade although I studied hard.


They / graduate / last year

They graduated last year.


How long / she / drive?

How long has she been driving?


You MODAL + (USE) your cell phone during an exam. It's not allowed.

You MUST NOT / CAN'T use your cell phone during an exam.


2nd conditional: I won the lottery. I would buy a private jet.

If I won the lottery, I would buy a private jet.

I would buy a private jet if I won the lottery.


I'm very tired. I'm going to sleep early tonight.

I'm very tired, so I'm going to sleep early tonight.


We / fish / this morning

We have been fishing since this morning.


How much / water / you / drink / so far today?

How much water have you drunk so far today?


Uniforms are optional.

We MODAL + (WEAR) uniforms.

We don't have to wear uniforms.


Unreal: She / HAVE / more money / she / BUY / a new car

If she had more money, she would buy a new car.

She would buy a car if she had more money.


I was cooking dinner. I heard a strange noise.

I was cooking dinner when I heard a strange noise.

I heard a strange noise while I was cooking dinner.


Finished action: watch / I / already / that movie

I have watched that movie already.

I have already watched that movie.


Have / they / go / on vacation / recently?

Have they gone on vacation recently?


It's a good idea to study every day.

You MODAL + (STUDY) every day.

You should study every day.

You had better study every day.

You could study every day.


Allie's boss is very happy with her job performance. She will probably get a raise at work.

Allie / GET / a raise at work / she / BE / happy

If Allie gets a raise at work, she will be happy.

Allie will be happy if she gets a raise at work.


I was reading a book. My cat was sleeping next to me.

I was reading a book while my cat was sleeping next to me.


finish / he / yet / his homework 

He hasn't finished his homework yet.


days / how many / he / be / absent

How many days has he been absent?


You ________(drink) and drive, or else you ______(get) a ticket.

You MUST NOT / SHOULDN'T / CAN'T / HAD BETTER NOT drink and drive, or else you MIGHT / COULD get a ticket.


John wants to go back to school, but he doesn't have time.

John / HAVE / more time / he / go back to school

If John had more time, he would go back to school.

John would go back to school if he had more time.


1. I'm going to finish Spring Quarter.

2. I'm going to go on vacation.

After I finish Spring Quarter, I'm going to go on vacation.

I'm going to go on vacation when I finish Spring Quarter.

Before I go on vacation, I'm going to finish Spring Quarter.