
She has figured out her travel schedule. She calls Anne to give her the details of the trip. She tells Anne that she will leave Raleigh on the 81 train at 7:55. Anne said she will be at the strain station to meet her. They have made a- 1. mess 2. picture 3. plan 4. cake

What is plan?


Wilbert and Coach looked around at the same time. Sitting behind them in the stands was Moses Walker and his dog Bear sitting silently at his side. Coach Roger pushed his cap and nodded to Moses, who nodded back. Coach Rogers _____ Moses. 1. recognized 2. called 3. ignored 4. chased

What is recognized?


Frank built a fireplace in the sitting room. The room was warm and cozy, and the big, roomy old chairs were nice to relax in. Even Samson, Mrs. Taylor's cat, seemed to like the idea of a party. He jumped up on Jane's lap. Everyone was- 1. scared 2. cold 3. content 4. lively

What is content?


Before the morning was out I'd started my new job. Once I learned how to work the little computer, it was a lot easier than working at the doughnut shop and I liked the extra $1. 50 an hour. My new job was- 1. enjoyable 2. difficult 3. unusual 4. dangerous

What is enjoyable?


Every summer it was the same old story. Emily had to pick some sport to play for six weeks. She would rather just hang out at the mall or in the park with the other kids, but her mom said, "No way." Her mom insisted on- 1. exercise 2. reading 3. shopping 4. rest

What is exercise?


"I don't have to deal with anything," Jaime shot back. He grabbed his jacket off the back of the chair and walked out of the house slamming the door behind him. Jaime was - 1. mad 2. neat 3. curious 4. polite

What is mad?


General Alan Carter looked up glumly when the Colonel walked in. Carter's eyes were pouchy and the corners of his mouth sagged. He tried to bend the paper-clip he was manhandling back into shape and it flicked out of his hand. General Carter looked - 1. clever 2. excited 3. dismal 4. hungry

What is dismal?


"Hi guys," Ms. Rubio said as she entered the classroom. "You know, I'm about to do a job I really hate. But first I wanted to tell you that you'd both make fine assistant editors. You're both winners actually, but one of you can be assistant editor." Ms. Rubio is going to - 1. choose 2. read 3. dance 4. rest

What is choose?


Most of us do best with a fair amount of exercise each day. If you take physical education in school, you probably get what you need. During the summer and on weekends, you need to provide your own program of exercise. This program will help you to be- 1. healthy 2. warm 3. intelligent 4. awake

What is healthy?


The trail was barely passable, and every step was a risk of life and limb. Yet at last we reached firm ground, higher ground. The cold winds started up again, chilling us as it blew down the long dark tail. We were - 1. sculpting 2. farming 3. climbing 4. sailing

What is climbing?


A popular TV show features five teenage friends who morph, or turn into, the animal they touch. They fight evil using their animal's power and their human brains. Live animals, special effects and computer graphics make the morphing look real. First, the animals are filmed. Then the actors repeated the animals movements exactly. The show's imagery looks - 1. genuine 2. industrial 3. antique 4. miniature

What is genuine?


Danny orders a soda for each of us. The waiter brings it and then takes our dinner order. I only order a dinner salad because everything is so expensive. But Danny orders a Porterhouse steak, which is practically the most expensive thing on the menu. Danny doesn't mind the - 1. weather 2. mess 3. cost 4. color

What is cost?


"Robbie!" both parents screamed when Shane came out of the trees with the boy. Robbie ran to them, his words tumbling over one another. "I almost got eaten by a lion, but Shane scared him away. Shane just looked that old lion in the eye and made him go away. Shane had ____ Robbie. 1. missed 2. saved 3. angered 4. chosen

What is saved?


My two younger brothers, Lenny and Vin, played marbles in the road. Mom was taking measurements of a boy I knew, for his new pants and shirt. Mom made clothes for people. Maggie, my sister two years older than me, was helping Mom on the veranda. Everyone was - 1. sleepy 2. worried 3. busy 4. bored

What is busy?


Inside my shirt I could feel the oilskin packet, and my curiosity was a burning thing. Yet I must be alone when the packet was opened. The other papers had dried from the heat of my body, and they, too, might be revealing. The packet and papers were- 1. intriguing 2. thick 3. boring 4. foreign

What is intriguing?


The name of the element went round and round in his mind. Inside the elevator other students pushed and shoved. Normally, he’d be pushing and shoving too, yet this time he kept thinking about the element. He knew that it stayed in his mind because it was something dangerous but he couldn’t recall exactly what.

He tried to ____________.

  1. Study

  2. Communicate

  3. Escape

  4. remember

What is remember?


We got to the end of the line and I was amazed to see a cashier. I felt my jacket pockets for money but of course there wasn't any. Joyce and I hadn't thought about it, that's all. For one wild moment I considered asking the girl in front of me if I could borrow some money. But she had already paid for her food and was going over to a large table where three other girls were waving to her. I had ___ my money. 1. forgotten 2. earned 3. valued 4. counted

What is forgotten?


Usually Rick felt good driving up to the gate at Redwood Coast. He had done well there. He had worked hard and had been promoted several times. Now he was a junior supervisor. In one week, just before his twenty-sixth birthday, he would become a full supervisor, the youngest man ever to get such an important job at Redwood Coast. He was - 1. successful 2. strange 3. friendly 4. unhappy

What is successful?


Everything was set up for a great afternoon of writing. Carolyn had rounded up a bunch of pads and had set out handfuls of pens and newly sharpened pencils. She'd also found a dictionary, a thesaurus, and a book of a baby names. "In case people need names for their characters," she explained. Carolyn was - 1. prepared 2. absent 3. patient 4. nervous

What is prepared?


Our house is tight and cozy. The proof was last night when the wind did damage to some of the other roofs of houses but not ours.Our house is probably the tightest in the settlement as Father is the best man with an axe and a draw-knife. And it is all in the shaping of the logs that makes a tight house. Our house is- 1. filthy 2. new 3. secure 4. roomy

What is secure?


In the first minute of the game against Villanova University in Pennsylvania, injured player Nykesha Sales was allowed to hobble onto the court and shoot a basket. With 2,178 career points, she broke the school record. Geno Auriemma, University of Connecticut's women's basketball coach, arranged the shot with Villanova's coach. "It was a gift from him to me," Nykesha said. Was this fair? Was a record really broken if the points weren't scored in the regular course of a game? Supporters of the extra shot say Nykesha would have scored the points if she hadn't been injured. Critics disagree. They said it's impossible to know whether Nykesha would have scored or not. Nykesha's extra shot caused - 1. debate 2. chaos 3. hardship 4. confusion

What is debate?


Florida panthers eat raccoons, hogs, and deer. People have built homes where these animals live. Now it is harder for the panther to find food. 

Manatees swim slowly in the wetland's waters. When people drive theirs speeding boats through the water, they injure many of these gentles sea mammals. 

Swallowtail butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves of wild lime and Torch wood trees. People have chopped down many trees in the Everglades to make room for their homes. With fewer trees, fewer butterflies are born. 

Florida's wildfire has been- 1. threatened 2. inspected 3. regulated 4. adopted

What is threatened?


Hermann trembled like a tiger as he waited for the appointed time to arrive. At ten o'clock in the evening he was already in front of the Countess's house. The weather was terrible; the wind blew with great violence, the sleety snow fell in large flakes, the lamps emitted a feeble light, the streets were deserted; from time to time a sledge drawn by a sorry- looking hack, passed by on the lookout for a belated passenger. Hermann was enveloped in a thick overcoat, and felt neither wind nor snow. Hermann was - 1. focused 2. relaxed 3. annoyed 4. assured

What is focused?


Musk oxen were almost gone from Alaska forever. They were hunted too much. Also, changes in the weather long ago made it hard for them to get food. Now, people like Pat Reynolds make sure the oxen are back to stay. Dr. Reynolds is a scientist who put radio collars on musk oxen. To get the collar on, she said, "You have to work your way through all that fur." The work is worth it. The collars help her find out how many animals there are and where they go. Dr. Reynolds is working to _____ the musk oxen. 1. disguise 2. preserve 3. construct 4. discipline

What is preserve?


In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that separate public schools for white and black people were illegal. This case was known as Brown v. Board of Education. Three years later, Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, decided to admit black students. A young girl named Melba Pattillo entered the halls of Central High School. She wan not alone. Eight other black teenager were also chosen to make Ventral High a mixed-race school. The group became known as the Little Rock Nine. After a violent first day at Central High, Melba wrote an article about her experience. The next days, her words appeared in newspapers everywhere. Pattillo's ______ became widely known. 1. experience 2. kindness 3. designs 4. speeches

What is experience?