Academic words & Reference Materials
Figurative Language Part A
Word Parts
Feelings & Tone
Figurative Language Part B

Formal words and language that are used in school.

What is academic vocabulary.


A figure of speech that uses like or as to make a comparison. 

What is simile.


What refers to the words and sentences surrounding an unfamiliar word. This often provides clues about the word's meaning. 

What is context.


The denotation is:

What is the dictionary definition of a word. It is the actual meaning. 


Identify the figure of speech:

"The baby had rosebud lips and cornflower eyes."

What is a metaphor. 

A metaphor is a comparison between unlike things without using the words like or as. 


Resources that contains words and descriptions that can expand your academic vocabulary. 

What are reference materials.


A comparison between unlike things without using the words like or as. 

What is a metaphor. 


The base of a word. 

What is root.


What is a connotation?

What is the what the word suggests or the feeling you get from the particular word. 


Identify the figure of speech:

"The wind took one last gasp, sighed, then vanished."

What is personification. 

Personification means giving human qualities to nonhuman things. 

A list of terms and definitions you usually find in the back pages of a book such as a text book. 

What is the glossary.

What is the literal meaning of a word?

What is to take something that is said for what it is, not using figurative language. 


Explain the difference between a prefix and a suffix. 


What is 

The affix prefix  is added to the beginning of a word. 

The affix that is added to the end of the word is a suffix. 


How does imagery help an author connect with the message?

What is imagery is a type of figurative language that appeals to our five senses. 


Identify the figure of speech:

"The red team does not hold a candle to the green team."

What is idiom.

An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood from the meaning of its separate words, but must be learned as a whole. 

A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words

When writing a paper and you need to find a word that has a similar meaning to a word where can you go for help? What resource?

What is a thesaurus. 


A phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning that's different from the literal meaning of the words in the phrase. They are often used to make writing more creative and casual.

What is idiom.


An affix that is added to the end of the word.

What is suffix.


What is the connotation of the word fan in the following sentence:

The fans were stood in line eagerly to buy tickets to the concert.

What is a positive connotation. 


Identify the figure of speech:

"The cornstalks crinkled in the wind like potato chip bags."

What is simile.

A comparison between unlike things using words like or as.


When writing a speech and you want to make sure you are using the correct word, where can you look?

What is in a dictionary. 


A figure of speech that gives human qualities to nonhuman things. 

What is personification. 


Identify the meaning of the suffix. 

"Tourist who suffer from claustrophobia often turn back in panic after a few minutes inside."

What is the suffix of phobia means fear of. 


What is the denotation of the word fan in the following sentence:

The fans were stood in line eagerly to buy tickets to the concert.

What is people who have a strong admiration for something or someone. 


Identify the figure of speech:

"She threw the ball into outer space."

What is a hyperbole.  

A hyperbole is an exaggerated statement not meant to be taken literally.