Find the product of (x-3) (x+3)
What is x²-9?
A drink made from a bean. Helps you wake up.
What is Coffee!
It is the most common element in the human body... A: Carbon, B: Hydrogen, C: Oxygen, D: Calcium
What is C. Oxygen. It makes up almost 63% of the average human. Following, are major elements and the percentages of the human body that they represent: Oxygen- 62.81% Carbon- 19.37% Hydrogen- 9.31% Nitrogen- 5.14% Sulfur- 0.64% Phosphorus- 0.63% Other- 2.10%
An electronic signal that is either on or off and represented by a 1 or 0.
What is a bit
How much of the Earth is covered in water?
About 72%
Find the factors of x²+4x+4
What is (x+2)(x+2)?
Made from flowers, leafs, herbs, and roots.
What is Tea!
This year boasted the first woman in space... A: 1963, B: 1968, C: 1973, D: 1983
What is A. 1963. The first woman in space was Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova in Vostok 6 (U.S.S.R.).
Name an example of software that is represented by an icon on the desktop of your computer in the lab.
What is switchzoo...
What animal has the biggest population?
It is estimated that there are between 1 and 10 quadrillion ants (1 000 000 000 000 000-10 000 000 000 000 000)!
If there are 7 billion humans, that means there are 1 million ants for every 1 human!
The cost of renting a midsize car from Colby Chase Rentals is $279 per week with no extra charge for mileage. The cost of renting a smiliar car from Jessica Sales is $199 per week, plus 32 cents for each mile driven. How many miles must you drive in a week to make the rental fee for Jessica Sales greater than that for Colby Chase Rentals?
What is more than 250 miles?
70 % of the earth's surface is made up of this.
What is water?
Matter that does not enter chemical reactions is described as this... A: Inhibited, B: Inert, C: Grounded, D: Radioactive
What is B: Inert. Inert matter does not enter chemical reactions.
The part of hardware that acts as the butler.
What is the processor.
What is the most beneficial thing trees do for humans?
They absorb carbon dioxide and give us oxygen.
They also help wildlife. They provide homes and food for animals.
the height y (infeet) of a baseball thrown by a child is given by y=1/10x²+3x+6, where x is the horazonal distance from were the ball was thrown. will the ball fly over the head of another child 30 feet away trying to catch the ball? the child holds his glove up to a height of 5 feet.
What is yes (y(30))=6
A popular drink during Christmas time. Apple flavor.
What is Apple cider
The largest hailstone recorded was closest to this object in diameter... A: basketball B: softball C: tennis ball D: golf ball
What is A: basketball. The largest hailstone ever recorded was 17.5 inches in diameter - bigger than a basketball.
The name of the program we logged in to with our own username and password to upload our avatar slide.
What is student google docs.
What happens to a hurricane when it moves over land?
They lose their strength.
The warm temperature causes the ocean water to evaporate, giving the hurricane fuel. So when the hurricane is on land, they no longer have any ocean water to sustain them.
evaluate (5/7)x^7/25x^5 when x=7
What is 875
A cloned Energy Drink by the Coca-Cola company in Canada.
What is NOS Energy
This animal has the highest blood pressure... A: Giraffe, B: Blue Whale, C: Elephant, D: Flea
What is A: Giraffe. Because of its extremely long neck, the giraffe must rely on its oversized heart (two feet long and twenty-five pounds!) to pump blood all the way to its head. As a result, the giraffe has the highest blood pressure of any animal: 280/180 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) at heart level when prone -- more than twice the blood pressure of an average human. Not surprisingly, because of their high blood pressure, giraffes are prone to heart attacks.
The perceived second generation of web development and design that includes social networking sites and, video sharing site, wikis and blogs.
What is web 2.0.
What is the most painful animal bite?
The bullet ant.
They can grow up to 1.2 inches (3 cm)