From where did the LORD speak to Moses, when instructing him on how the offerings were to be made?

A. From Mount Horeb

B. From the heaven

C. From the Tent of Meeting

D. From a burning bush

  • Answer: C From the Tent of Meeting (Lev. 1:1)

All of the following animals were allowed to be burnt offerings EXCEPT?

A. Young bull from the herd

B. Donkey from the herd

C. Male goat from the flock

D. Male sheep from the flock

E. Dove or pigeon

Answer: B. Donkey from the herd  (Lev. 1:5,10, 14)


It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, a(n) ________  pleasing to the LORD." 

A. Offering

B. Aroma

C. Atonement

D. Sacrifice

  • Answer: B. Aroma (Lev. 1:9, 13, 17)

What two substances were to be added to the grain offering?

A. Oil and incense

B. Oil and cinnamon

C. Oil and sugar

D. Incense and honey

  • Answer: A. Oil and incense (Lev. 2:1)

If a grain offering was made in an oven, it could be formed into.

A. Loaves

B. Wafers

C. Crumbs 

D. Chips

  • Answer: B. Wafers (Lev. 2:4)

What type of grain offering was not to be offered on the altar?

A. The Sabbath harvest

B. The Baked grain offering

C. The First fruits

D. The Barley offering

  • Answer: C. The First fruits (Lev. 2:12)

The grain offering was said to be an offering "made to the LORD by  _________" 

A. Israel

B. Priests

C. Fire

D. his holiness

  • Answer: C. Fire (Lev. 2:16)

For the fellowship offering, all of the following were possibilities of the categories of animals that could be utilized EXCEPT?

A. Herds

B. Flocks

C. Goat

D. Birds

  • Answer: D. Birds (Lev. 3:1, 6, 12)

Where was the presenter to slay the fellowship offering before it was given to the priest?

A. Outside the camp

B. At the entrance of the Tent of Meeting

C. On the south side of the altar of burnt offering

D. On the horns of the altar of burnt offering

  • Answer: B. At the entrance of the Tent of Meeting (Lev. 3:2)

If the fellowship offering was a lamb, the fat of the _______ close to the backbone was to be cut out and burnt up

A. Liver

B. Tail

C. Stomach

D. Heart

  • Answer: B. Tail (Lev. 3:9)

What was the inner organ that was burned up with the fat in the fellowship offering (Lev. 3:10)?

A. Lungs

B. Stomach

C. Kidney

D. Heart

  • Answer: C. Kidney (Lev. 3:10)

What two animal substances were the Hebrews commanded not to eat?

A. Blood and fat

B. Pork and beans

C. Blood and brains

D. Fat and inward parts

  • Answer: A. Blood and fat (Lev. 3:17)

In the sin offering, if a priest sinned, the blood was to be sprinkled how many times and where?

A. Three times on the incense altar

B. Seven times before the curtain in the Tent of Meeting

C. Seven times on the horns of the altar of burnt offering

D. Three times on ark of the Testimony

  • Answer: B. Seven times before the curtain in the Tent of Meeting (Lev. 4:6)

In the sin offering, if a priest sinned, the fat connected with what two inner organs was to be burnt up?

A. Liver and heart

B. Kidney and heart

C. Liver and kidney

D. Stomach and liver

  • Answer: C. Liver and kidney (Lev. 4:8)

If the whole community sinned unintentionally, what sin offering was to be brought?

A. A goat

B. A ram

C. A young bull

D. A female goat

  • Answer: C. A young bull (Lev. 4:14)

In the sin offering for the community, who would make atonement for the community?

A. Aaron

B. Moses

C. The elders

D. The anointed priest

  • Answer: D. The anointed priest  (Lev. 4:20)

If a leader sinned, what sin offering did they offer up?

A. A female cow

B. A male goat

C. A young bull

D. A ram

  • Answer: B. A male goat (Lev. 4:22)

In the sin offering for a leader, where was the blood put that was not poured out at the base of the altar?

A. On the horns of the altar of burnt offering

B. On the horns of the incense altar

C. On the basin

D. Before the curtain in the Tent of Meeting

  • Answer: B. On the horns of the incense altar (Lev. 4:25)

In the sin offering for a member of the community, what was burnt on the altar?             

A. The fatty parts

B. The whole animal

C. The meat and blood

D. The head, hide and fatty parts

  • Answer: A. The fatty parts (Lev. 4:35)

A person could sin by not doing what, when he heard a public charge about which he knew something?

A. Confessing his sins

B. Taking an oath 

C. Speaking up

D. Offering a sin offering

  • Answer: C. Speaking up (Lev. 5:1)

One that was found guilty was to bring a ______ lamb or goat.

A. Female

B. Male

C. Spotted

D. One year old 

  • Answer: A. Female (Lev. 5:6)

If a person could not afford pigeons, they were to bring.

A. Fine flour with salt

B. Blood of a lamb

C. Fine flour without oil

D. Fine flour with oil 

  • Answer: C. Fine flour without oil  (Lev. 5:11)

When one had stolen something, the guilt offering for that individual was to be ______. 

A. A one year old lamb

B. A young bull

C. 2 pigeons

D. A ram

  • Answer: D. A ram (Lev. 6:5)

The priest was to burn how much of the grain offering on the altar.

A. One fifth of an ephah

B. A loving spoonful

C. One handful

D. The whole thing

  • Answer: C. One handful (Lev. 6:15)

The priests were to eat the part of the grain offering that was not burnt up without.

A. Water

B. Yeast

C. Salt

D. Oil

  • Answer: B. Yeast (Lev. 6:16)

When a priest was being anointed, how much of the grain offering that was offered that day was to be eaten?

A. None of it

B. All of it

C. Only the sacred handful

D. Only the memorial portion

  • Answer: A. None of it (Lev. 6:23)

Anything that touched the flesh of the sin offering became ______ .

B. Clean

C. Unclean until evening

D. Atoned for

  • Answer: A. Holy (Lev. 6:27)

Who was allowed to eat the meat of the guilt offering?

A. Only the priest who offered the animal

B. Any male in the priest's family

C. Any member of the priest's family

D. Only the priests ministering that day

  • Answer: B. Any male in the priest's family (Lev. 7:6)

All of the following were types of fellowship offerings EXCEPT.

A. Thanksgiving

B. Vow

C. Covenant

D. Freewill

  • Answer: C. Covenant (Lev. 7:15f)

What was not to be done on the Sabbath?

A. Any eating

B. Any rest

C. Any work

D. Any drinking of strong drink

  • Answer: C. Any work (Lev. 23:3)

Which day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread was a day of sacred assembly?

A. First

B. Third

C. Fourth

D. Sixth

  • Answer: A. First (Lev. 23:7)

What was not to be eaten until the Feast of the First fruits offering was offered?

A. Oil

B. Bread

C. Figs

D. Grapes

  • Answer: B. Bread (Lev. 23:14)

What two animals were to be presented as a wave offering for the fellowship offering at the Feast of Weeks?

A. Two pigeons

B. Two goats

C. Two rams

D. Two lambs

  • Answer: D. Two lambs (Lev. 23:20)

The Day of Atonement was on what month and day?

A. First day of the first month

B. First day of the seventh month

C. Tenth day of the first month

D. Tenth day of the seventh month

  • Answer: D. Tenth day of the seventh month (Lev. 23:27)

What did the son of an Egyptian father and Israelite mother do?

A. Worshipped an Egyptian idol

B. Killed an Israelite man

C. Cursed God

D. Cursed his parents

  • Answer: C. Cursed God (Lev. 24:10)

If someone injures his neighbor, the punishment was?

A. The offering of a young bull burnt offering

B. Payment of 30 pieces of silver

C. Eye for eye and tooth for tooth

D. He must be put outside the camp for seven days

Answer: C. Eye for eye and tooth for tooth (Lev. 24:19)


The fiftieth year was to be the year of ______.

A. Sabbatical

B. Jubilee

C. Atonement

D. Redemption

Answer: C. Atonement (Lev. 25:10)


If an Israelite became poor and sold some of his land, who was allowed to have the first chance to redeem it?

A. The priests

B. The elders of his tribe

C. The relatives


Answer: C. The relatives (Lev. 25:25)


If Israel obeyed, one hundred of their enemies would be.

A. Pursued by hornets and destroyed by hail

B. Chased by five and fall by the sword

C. Find no rest in the land and be enslaved by Israel

D. Surrender to Israel and work their land

Answer: B. Chased by five and fall by the sword (Lev. 26:7)


God said if Israel, after violating the covenant, did what, he would remember the covenant?

A. Confess their sins

B. Forgive their enemies

C. Humble themselves and pray

D. Purify the land 

Answer: A. Confess their sins (Lev. 26:40)