True or False

Who was the President at the start of the expedition?

Thomas Jefferson


What were two major barriers the Corps of Discovery had to overcome?

Rocky Mountains

Great Falls of the Missouri River


Define the capitalized word.

Traveling the rivers, the voyagers met the Nez Perce Indians, who taught them valuable TECHNIQUES for building and sailing log canoes.

Procedures or methods for carrying out a specific task.


 A trader and his wife, a Native American named Sacapatayduh joined the expedition when it resumed its journey in April 1805.

False.  Her name was  Sacagawea.


Where did Lewis & Clark begin their journey?

St. Louis Missouri


Who did the voyagers discover while traveling the rivers AND what did they learn from them.

Traveling the rivers, the voyagers met the Nez Perce Indians, who taught them valuable techniques for building and sailing log canoes.


What did Chief Cameahwait provide the Corps of Discovery after their meeting?

a)  A pack of mules to ride and carry their goods.

b)  A guide to show them the best route to take through the mountains.

c)  Strategies to avoid or handle wild animals that they encountered on their expedition.

d)  Edible fruit, roots, and meat for them on their journey.

b)  A guide to show them the best route to take through the mountains.


Define the capitalized word:

 He saw the outline of a great mountain RANGE to the west.

An extended group or series, especially a row or chain of mountains.


During the bad snowstorm,  the explorers were forced to kill some of their pack animals for meat.

True.  :(


The Lewis and Clark expedition emerged from the Rocky Mountains intothe lovely valley of the __________ River in present-day Idaho



Who did Sacagawea find on the journey and how did this make her feel?

She found  Chief Cameahwait and was happy because he was her brother who she hadn't seen in 6 years!


How did the explorers cross the Great Falls?

 The explorers had to carry their boats and supplies up steep cliffs before they could set out again on quieter waters upstream.


Define the capitalized word:

She carefully scanned the riverbank to find EDIBLE roots and fruit.

Safe to eat


Arriving at the Pacific Ocean was the end of the expedition.

False.  They still had to get home to St. Louis.


The purpose of the expedition was to find natural resources to bring back to the more populated lands of the U.S.



Who were the Shoshone?

 The Shoshone were a small tribe who were almost always at war with their powerful neighbors, the Blackfeet. They had never seen white people, but constant warfare made the Shoshone suspicious of all outsiders.


Why didn't the explorers ride the horses over the Rocky Mountains?

The trails were too rugged to ride on, so the party walked and used the horses as pack animals.


Define the capitalized word:

The explorers knew that they would have to find a way to cross the incredible BARRIER.

Something that blocks movement or passage.


The people of the Shoshone Tribe were so happy when they found our who Sacagawea was.



What was the land around the Columbia River eventually called?

 The Oregon Territory


Who were the Chinook?

They were an Indian tribe who drove hard bargains when trading for goods.


How long did the return journey to St. Louis from Oregon take?

6 months.  They started in late March, 1806 and arrived back in late September 1806.


Define the capitalized word:

The Missouri River became a crooked stream that split into many small TRIBUTARIES.

A river or stream that flows into a larger river or stream.


The corps of Discovery covered about 8,000 miles during the whole expedition.



What was the Louisiana Territory?

The area of land west of the Mississippi River all the way westward that was acquired during the Louisiana Purchase.  It was the area Lewis & Clark explored.