What is my sister's husband?
Le mari de ma sœur
What Step Father?
Le Beau-Pére
What is Le Grand Père?
The Grandpa
What is La Tante?
The Aunt
What is Mom in French?
La Mère
Hamster's son's grandaughter
La petite-fille du fils du hamster
What is The Daughter
La Fille
What is Le Bèbè?
The Baby
What is La Femme?
The Wife
What is Le Frère?
What is my mother's daughter's son?
Fils de la fille de la mère
What is The Step Mother?
La Beau-Mère
What is Le Cousin? (Masculin)
The Cousin (Masculin)
What is Cousine in English?
What is cousin? (Femine)
La Cousine
What is my dog's third daughter?
Troisième fille du chien
What is The Daughter in Law?
La Bru
What is l'oncle
The Uncle
What is La Grand-Mére
What is Le Grand-Père?
Translate: My dad's sister is called Sue
La sœur de mon père s'appelle Sue
What is my step mom's husband?
Le mari de ma belle-mère
What is Godfather in french? (Hint: starts with P)
What is Godmother in french? (Hint: It starts with a M)
What is Le Beau-Frère?
Step Brother