Campus Resources
Duty To Dos

A resident is having concerns with paying for school. Who should you put them in contact with? 

Financial Aid


What time should you have the duty phone turned on and checked in by?



List three items that are prohibited in resident rooms.  

Candles, incense, cooking appliances, air fryers, animals, microwaves, mini fridges larger than 4 cu ft, space heaters, and personal AC units. 


A resident is over intoxicated but conscious. Who should you contact? 

You will call Public Safety and then the RD on Call. 


These quiet hours apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Courtesy hours


Where is the Quantitative Resource Center and Science Resource Center located on campus? 

Hotchkiss Hall


How many rounds should you complete Sunday - Thursday? 

Two rounds. (8:00pm and 11:00pm)


What animals are allowed to be in our residence halls? 

Fish and ESAs with approval.


You make contact with a resident's room that are all under 21 having a party. You collect all the necessary information. What do you do with the alcohol? 

You will have the residents pour the alcohol into the sink.


This is the maximum amount of time guests are allowed to stay with residents.

Three days (72 hours)


What is Public Safety's phone number? Where are they located on campus? 

Public Safety Number is 847-735-5555. They're located on South Campus.


When should your duty logs be turned in by?

The next morning by 10:00am.


True or False: Residents are allowed to smoke and vape inside of the residence halls. 



You're on duty and a resident comes to you because they were locked out of their room. What do you do next? 

You will gather student information to confirm they belong in that room, go to duty closet, fill out lockout slip / roster, grab master key, let student in, return master key, and put a note in duty log.


The fire alarm just went off in your residence hall. What do you do to help? 

Help direct students out of the building as you are leaving, direct students away from the building and out of fire lines, and ensure students do not re-enter unless told they can. 


Who should you contact if you suspect abuse of any kind?

Title IX


When handling a noise complaint, what should you fill out after the interaction?

An Incident Report


What is it called when a resident has a guest stay over for a long period of time? 



A resident had a prohibited item in their room. You tell them the policy and that they have to pack up, take home, or remove the item. Should you follow up with the resident to confirm that it was removed? 



There is a large storm happening outside and the sirens just went off around campus. Public Safety sent out a campus wide alert that there is tornado watch. Where do you guide residents to go?

Basement, lowest level, and/or away from windows in a hallway.


Who is the Dean of Students?

Tony Tyler


What is the RA's role when it comes to policy enforcement?

RAs are responsible for holding residents accountable to the agreed upon standards, community expectations, and code of conduct.


True or False: A resident under the age of 21 is allowed to drink with friends in their room as long as the door is shut and everyone else is 21. 



You smell cannabis on your floor. You are able to identify a room. What are your next steps?  

You will call public safety, wait until they arrive, public safety will confiscate everything, you speak with the residents about the policy, and then document via an incident report. 


What is it called when students run no risk of penalty from the college for themselves or other students involved when they call for help due to someone being severely intoxicated or injured as a result of illegal or prohibited activities? 

Medical Amnesty Policy