National Dates
Important Moments
Fallen Siblings
Parades and festivals in June.
What is Pride Month?
The ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges on June 26, 2015 made this finally legal after years of fighting.
What is LGBTQA+ Marriage Equality?
This YouTube phenomenon, started in response to many LGBT youth suicides, encourages adults to release videos providing encouragement to LGBT youth.
What is the It Gets Better Project?
This originated from a Missouri high school teacher and is a month-long observation of our untold history.
What is LGBTQA+ History Month?
Political Party first to show support for the LGBTQA+ community.
What is the Democratic Party?
Open closets and have a rally on Oct. 11th.
What is National Coming Out Day/Week?
On June 25, 1978 this huge symbol of the LGBTQA+ community was first unveiled.
What is first LGBTQA Flag?
This group is a resource for straight allies who have loved ones who are LGBT, and was founded by Jeanne Manford.
What is Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays? (PFLAG)
Day created to honor and memorialize the deaths of a certain part of the LGBTQA+ community. Help every November 20th.
What is Trans* Day of Remembrance (TDoR)?
This symbol was used to show LGBTQA+ people during the Holocaust.
What is the inverted Pink Triangle?
Actions speak louder than words on April 27th.
What is National Day of Silence?
This took place on June 28, 1969 and is regarded as the event that sparked the beginning of the modern Gay Rights Movement.
What is the Stonewall Riots?
Founded in 1990 by a small, but dedicated group of teachers in Massachusetts to try and limit and end the discrimination of LGBTQA+ students in school.
What is the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network (GLSEN)?
First openly gay man to be elected to a political office. He was later assassinated for that reason by Dan White.
Who is Harvey Milk?
Founded in 1973, the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to achieve full recognition of the civil rights for LGBTQA+ people.
What is Lambda Legal?
Red ribbons and raise money on Dec. 1st.
What is World AIDs Day?
On June 28, 1970 this march/rally in New York on the year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots has become a more flashy event over the whole world.
What is the first Pride Parade?
This campaign started in response to the gay marriage ban in California, and has resulted in international art projects supported by celebrities like Kim Kardashian.
What is NOH8?
College student in Laramie, Wyoming that was tortured and murdered because he was gay. One can learn his story through the play "Laramie Project."
Who is Matthew Shepard?
This policy, enacted in 1993, prohibited military personnel from discriminating against or harassing closeted LGBTQA+ service members or applicants, while barring openly LGBTQA+ persons from military service.
What is Don't Ask, Don't Tell?
Wear purple and support bullied youth on Oct. 19th.
What is Spirit Day?
On January 20, 2017, this President and Vice President who ran through the White House halls with rainbow flags when LGBTQA+ marriage was passed.
Who is President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden?
This organization uses the widely recognized symbol of a blue square with a yellow equal sign, and works as an LGBT advocacy group (full name).
What is Human Rights Campaign (HRC)?
Puerto Rican and Venezuelan transwoman who helped lead the charge during the Stonewall Riots. Died from liver cancer.
Who is Sylvia Rivera?
Supreme Court ruling in Texas, set a standard that decriminalized homosexuality in America (including in all 13 states that had not already) in 2003.
What is Lawrence v Texas?