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The lack of sexual attraction to anyone, or low or absent interest in sexual activity.
What is asexuality?
Date of the annual LGBT Pride Month. Bonus points for knowing what this month commemorates.
What is June? BONUS: the Stonewall Riots
A scale of 0 to 6 attempting to measure one's sexuality. (Ranges from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual). 1st proposed in 1948
What is the Kinsey Scale?
Name of the app that homophobic legislator Randy Boehning was caught using to send unsolicited explicit photos of himself. Bonus points for knowing his username.
What is Grindr? BONUS: "Top Man!"
Transgender actress and activist who was the first openly trans woman to be on the cover of Time Magazine.
Who is Laverne Cox?
The practice, desire, or acceptance of intimate relationships that are not exclusive with respect to other sexual or intimate relationships, with knowledge and consent of everyone involved.
What is polyamory?
The date of the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance. Bonus points for knowing the year it began.
What is November 20th? BONUS: 1999
The adoption of feminine dress and behavior by a man based on admiration of their female loved ones being taken too far. Proposed by Havelock Ellis in 1913
What is Eonism?
The name of the company that Jazz Jennings became the first transgender spokesmodel for.
What is Clean & Clear?
Former Olympic athlete who publicly came out as a trans woman on June 1st, 2015.
Who is Caitlyn Jenner?
An umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities that are not heterosexual or cisgender.
What is queer?
The date of the annual international Intersex Awareness Day. Bonus points for the year it first began
What is October 26th? BONUS: 1996
Famous Austrian neurologist who believed homosexuality could sometimes be removed through hypnotic suggestion.
Who is Sigmund Freud?
The formal case name for the Nebraska woman wishing to sue every gay person on the planet.
What is Driskell v. Homosexuals?
MTF U.S. soldier and whistleblower in violation of the Espionage Act after providing the largest amount of classified documents ever leaked to the public.
Who is Chelsea Manning?
A variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female.
What is intersex?
The date of the annual international Coming Out Day.
What is October 11th?
A theory coined by Pepper Schwartz in 1983 claiming that lesbian couples in committed relationships have less sex than any other type of couple, and they generally experience less sexual intimacy the longer the relationship lasts.
What is Lesbian Bed Death?
The name of Miley Cyrus's nonprofit organization with the purpose of "fighting injustice facing homeless youth, LGBT youth and other vulnerable populations".
What is the Happy Hippie Foundation?
Drag queen and MTF trans activist who founded both the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance. Important participant of the Stonewall Riots. Died in 2002.
Who is Sylvia Rivera?
A modern umbrella term used by some indigenous North Americans to describe or label gender-variant individuals in their communities.
What is two-spirit?
The date of World AIDs Day, meant to raise awareness of the AIDs pandemic and to mourn those who have died from it.
What is December 1st?
A scale by Dr. Benjamin meant to classify various forms of "transvestitism" and "transsexualism" (typically feminine). 1966
What is Dr. Harry Benjamin's Gender Disorientation Scale?
Name of the act that allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages that was ruled unconstitutional on June 26th, 2013.
What is DOMA?
Successful actor, drag queen, author, model, and recording artist with 7 albums. Soared to stardom in the 90's. First film appearance was in the Starbooty trilogy.
Who is RuPaul Charles?