Pop Culture
This performer was "born this way" and identifies as bisexual.
Who is Lady Gaga?
A person whose chromosomal make up results in ambiguous or multiple primary sex characteristics.
What is "intersex?"
The annual date of the Transgender Day of Remembrance.
What is November 20.
In 1997, this funny lesbian became the first person to come out on network television.
Who is Ellen Degeneres?
The name of the Winnipeg Centre that serves "Manitoba’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Two-Spirited Communities."
What is the Rainbow Resource Centre
Known best for paintings of Campbell's soup cans, this pop artist identified as nonheteronormative.
Who is Andy Warhol?
This words is the "Q" included in the acronym LGBTTQ*.
What is "Queer"?
This Winnipeg mayor was the first openly gay mayor of a major city in North America.
Who is Glen Murray?
In the public eye as Sonny and Cher's child, this person has come out to the public twice: first in 1995 as a lesbian, and for the second time in 2009 as a transgender male.
Who is Chaz Bono?
A school-based group run by students and supported by teachers that works to create safe, caring and inclusive spaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified, two-spirit, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) students and their allies in schools. (Acronym)
What is GSA?
Billy Joe Armstrong came out as bisexual in 1995 and is the lead singer for this band of "American Idiots"
What is Green Day?
This term refers to the process of exploring one’s own sexual orientation, investigating influences that may come from their family, religious upbringing, and internal motivations.
What is "Questioning"?
This Manitoba museum displays the original marriage certificate of the first known same-sex marriage ceremony in Canada.
What is the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR)?
The month during which Winnipeg's Pride Festival takes place.
What is June?
This YouTube phenomenon, started in response to many LGBT youth suicides, encourages adults to release videos providing encouragement to LGBT youth
What is the "It Gets Better" project?
He is a CNN anchor, the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, and identifies as gay.
Who is Anderson Cooper
This term refers to cross dressing and the etymology of the term literally refers to "dressed like a girl"
What is "drag"?
This legal document prohibits discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and/or sexual orientation in Manitoba.
What is the Human Rights Code of Manitoba?
The 2010 Winter Olympics in this city include the event's first ever Pride House for LGBT athletes.
What is Whistler, BC?
The Winnipeg chapter of this group meets at the Rainbow Resource Centre on the last Tuesday of the month. This group "provides support and education to parents, families, and friends of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people."
What is PFLAG?
This Canadian sketch comedy group formed in 1984 and debuted their television show on CBC in 1988. Many of the sketches featured gay characters and themes, and one of the actors was one of the first openly gay actors on television.
What is Kids in the Hall?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Provide the definition to earn DOUBLE! Genderqueer
Genderqueer: a term adopted by some people who identify as neither male nor female, as both, or as somewhere in between, and who often seek to blur gender lines. It is a particularly common identity among transgender youth
The year the Civil Marriage Act legalized same-sex marriage across Canada.
What is 2005.
This politician came out openly and became the first openly gay person elected to public office in California, establishing the Castro District as a hub for the national gay rights movement. There was a movie about him starring Sean Penn.
Who is Harvey Milk
This group is a national organization committed to advancing equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-identified people, and their families, across Canada.
What is Egale Canada?