What time was Liam born?
What is _______?
What is the periodic table symbol for GOLD?
What is Au.
What is the square root of 16?
What is 4.
What recent recipe did Liam make that masi would looooove?
What is ice cream!
Where were we when Ishayu got stung by a jellyfish?
What is South Carolina
What is Philadelphia?
What is the process that occurs on a really cold day when there are drops on the inside of the windows in your home?
What is condensation
Liam is 11 today. What is the trick for 11 times table with any two digit number?
What is tens column digit+addition of ones and tens digits + ones digit. Ex. 11x25 = 275
What ingredient MUST you put in most bread recipes to help it rise?
What is yeast
What country did we all go to in December of 2017?
What is India
What is Liams favourite online family game?
What is the period table element that you find in a thermometer?
What is mercury
What is the sum of Liam's age and his year of birth?
what is 2021
What two main ingredients are in a chocolate ganache?
What is chocolate and cream
What is mashed potatoes, biryani, roasted sweet potato, naan, mattar paneer, brie dish
Name two of Liam's favourite hobbies?
listening to ipod
What happens to a sponge when you put it in water? DOes it get larger or smaller?
What is its gets larger
What is 40
What is Julienne
What was the name of the gymanstics camps you all did together 2 summers ago in Canada?
What animal was Liam's favourite blankety when he was a baby?
What is a bear.
What is the name of a well known purple mineral rock that is frequently polishes into a gem and sold as jewellery?
What is amethyst
What are the first three numbers in pi???
What is 3.14
Name a cheese that is made from an animal OTHER than cow
What is goats cheese, manchego
What is Harbour Island, Bahamas