What does Slenderman wear?
A tuxedo
What is a ghost?
Spirit of a dead person.
Where is the screaming forest located?
What does the Wendigo look like?
Resembles a deer with antlers.
What is the general appearance of the Skinwalker?
Is slenderman known for being tall or short?
Who is more in tune to see ghosts?
What is the haunted place in the US?
The Stanley Hotel, Estes Park
Where does the Wendigo folklore come from?
Native American Folklore
Where do they hide?
In plain site.
Where is slenderman usually found?
The woods
What percent of Americans say they've seen a ghost?
What is the largest haunted mansion?
Winchester Mansion
Where is the Wendigo found?
In colder climates/ forests
What noises do skinwalkers make?
Human screams
What is slenderman known for?
How can you tell if a ghost is near?
Cold spot
What is the most haunted state in America?
New Mexico
Who does Wendigo go after?
They prey on the weak minded.
Where did the myth originate?
Navajo Mythology
Where did slenderman originate?
What colors attract ghosts?
Red or Green
What is the smallest haunted town in the US?
Alton, Illinois
What is the scariest trait of a Wendigo?
Where are most skinwalkers found?
Skinwalker ranch. Ballard, UTAH