What is the difference between stress and a stressor?
stressor causes the feeling of stress
The amount of stress that a stressor causes depends on both the stressor itself and?
What is the individual.
What are the three basic types of stressors?
(1) frustrations, (2) pressures, and (3) conflicts.
Something in the world that makes a demand on a person. In other words, an event, a person, a law, a rule, or a request that requires a person to react in some way.
What is a stressor
What do the letter T and an island have in common?
You’ll find them both in the middle of water.
What is a Stressor?
What is something in the world that makes a demand on a person
True or False? Stressors are bad.
False Stressors can be good or bad.
Name two types of stressors?
What is internal and external
This helped you protect yourself from pain and stress when using.
What is Defense Mechanisms
I have keys but unlock no doors. I have space but contain no matter. What am I?
A piano
What is stress?
What is an internal reaction to the demand of the stressor.
Repression and regression is a type of what?
What is defense mechanism
What is frustration? Give an example.
What is occur when obstacles block a person from reaching a goal
Expectations of Others (friends, family, employers, treatment) is known as a....:
What is external Pressure
I can fly without wings. I can cry without eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?
Name a stress reduction tool.
What is relaxation, meditation, self help groups, support groups, etc.
An individual's reaction to stress usually goes through what 3 stages?
What is (1) alarm, (2) resistance, and (3) exhaustion.
What is Pressures? Give an example.
What is force people to achieve goals by speeding up, working harder, or changing the do something.
These are what kind of obstacles: guilt over spending rent money on drugs/alcohol, shame over substance use, angry you missed a holiday/bday etc, loneliness
What is Internal
I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
A Map
The more severe the stress is, the more _______ and ________ the disruption it will cause in a person's life.
What is physical and emotional
What are the 4 common self-defense mechanisms?
What is Repression, Emotional Insulation, Intellectualization, and Regression
What are conflicts? Give an example.
What is occur when there are two opposing forces—one force against the other
You can either choose relationships that ________ sobriety or choose ones that may lead to _______.
You can either choose relationships that encourage sobriety or choose ones that may lead to relapse.
You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?
All the people were married