Following Forster
Aping Bovines
Minding Neo
Copying Kuyper
Next the fall
By nurturing human freedom in the service of human community, liberal education in the end celebrates this four-letter word.
What is love?
Two possible objectives for attending Christian colleges that can also be met at non-Christian universities
What are (two of the following)? 1. desire for a safe environment 2. finding a Christian spouse 3. place of Christian emphasis in university life 4. contact with Christian professors
According to the idea of a worldview, our prior assumptions about this shape how we perceive the world around us.
What is reality?
First University in America founded by the Puritans in 1636.
What is Harvard College?
These evils are hard to detect because they seem to be an ordinary part of the way society works.
What are systemic evils?
During the medieval period, the collective name for astronomy, music, geometry and arithmatic.
What is the quadrivium?
Christian colleges are unique because they weave this into academics and university life.
What is a Christian worldview?
Three-part framework for a Christian worldview used by Ostrander.
Creation – Fall – Redemption
Taking the place of these (and often their money), Old Time Colleges strictly regulated the lives of students.
What are parents?
According to C.S. Lewis, it is this part of creation that have the potential for the greatest evil:
What is “Better or Highest”?
According to Cronon, the two values that lie at the heart of a liberal arts education.
What are freedom and growth?
The cause of the puzzlement for Ostrander’s Tibetan herdsman.
What is the practice of going to college?
A worldview committed to the perspective that the material universe is all that exists.
What is scientific materialism?
A term meaning movement away from religious roots, used to describe many American universities in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
We are challenged by Ostrander to be this when approaching thought and culture:
What is “flexible”?
The goal of the power and the wisdom, the generosity and the freedom gained through a liberal arts education – it helps the world make sense and enables creative action.
What is connecting?
Education at a Christian college is designed to help students live purposely as this.
What is a follower of Christ?
If living and dealing with new information is like doing a puzzle, a world view corresponds to this part of the equipment.
What is the picture on the puzzle box?
Type of college providing brief, practical training for young people planning to become full-time Christian workers but typically offering only a limited curriculum.
What is a Bible College?
This default position is used to describe our reaction to something when we’re not paying attention.
What is “default”?
Three disciplines that compose the medieval trivium.
What are grammar, logic, and rhetoric?
Two objectives that Christian universities aim to provide through cultivation of a Christian worldview.
What are purpose and unity?
The two qualities of worldviews Ostrander seeks to convey by using analogy of doing a crossword puzzle in pencil and receiving help with it from his wife.
What are open-ended and communal? (Some wording variations possible)
Following the admonition of Abraham Kuyper, what many Christian colleges seek to do with faith and learning.
What is integrate them?
When a culture over time accepts and consumes popular music, movies, or tv shows, it may be said that a gesture became this.
What is “posture”?