EBM sources
Bibliographica Canadiana
Types of 'evidence'
The hierarchical 'branch-like' structure in Medline presents the thesaurus by breaking it down into more specific topics
What are MeSH?
This resource contains seven databases of high-quality evidence that synthesize the literature without having to read every study
What is the Cochrane Library?
In literature searching, the use of everyday natural words and phrases, instead of index terms, to search bibliographic databases
What is keyword (also 'natural language' or 'freetext') searching?
This Canadian university is widely seen as the birthplace of evidence-based medicine due to the work of Gordon Guyatt and David Sackett among others.
What is McMaster University?
This pyramid has RCTs and systematic reviews at the top followed below by lower levels of evidence such as cohort & case controlled studies and called the [blank] of evidence
This is the number one reason for not reviewing evidence
What is TIME?
These studies are considered the most reliable type of clinical study and are most commonly associated with therapy questions
This is the name for a search when * $ : or ? are used within words or phrases to search for variants (it is also a way to improve recall in a search)
What is truncation or 'wildcard' searching?
This Canadian health librarian working at the McMaster University in the filters unit called HIRU is among the most-cited librarians in Medline
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) publishes a synopsis of medical evidence (requiring a subscription) and rates each intervention as:
  • Beneficial
  • Likely to be beneficial
  • Unknown effectiveness
  • Likely to be ineffective
  • What is Clinical Evidence (BMJ)?
    Constructing an effective combination of search terms involves breaking down the question into ‘concepts’ and keywords. P-I-C-O can help to structure the search (but it is not essential that every element is used) and stands for - what?
    What is Patient (population), Intervention, Comparison and Outcome?
    This service (made available by the BMJ Group) incorporates the McMaster PLUS email alerting system and a searchable database of best evidence from the medical literature
    These pre-set research methodology filters designed by RB Haynes et al. to assist busy practitioners to access the best available evidence by providing expedient and efficient access to reliable clinical studies via four study categories (therapy, diagnosis, etiology and prognosis) and two types of retrieval emphasis (specific and sensitivity).
    The five top medical journals are BMJ, Lancet, JAMA and the New Eng J of Medicine and this fifth Canadian journal title that goes back to 1911
    Forest plots are frequently referred to using this colloquial term?
    What is the Blog-o-gram?
    These are used in all searches with two sets ...& include “AND” “OR” and “NOT” (and are named after a famous English mathematician).
    What are Boolean operators (see George Boole)?
    This Cochrane database represents the best single source for RCTs / CCTs
    What is CENTRAL?
    These predefined strategies improve recall in a search (and are highly sensitive in retrieving 'all relevant articles')
    What are search filters or hedges?
    PubMed clinical queries are tested by this Canadian researcher and his team
    These two metasearch tools have been created to search across several sources of evidence all at once
    What is SumSearch and the TRIP Database?
    These types of questions are patient-specific, address clearly defined clinical questions (e.g., prevention, therapy, diagnosis)
    What are foreground questions?
    This popular database requires a subscription and is viewed by health librarians as overpriced ...though clinicians in internal medicine areas often ask for it
    What is UpToDate?
    ...the name for qualifiers in MeSH that increase precision... all 83 of them 'float' among 24,000+ MeSH
    When a Canadian study is not published in one of the major biomedical indexes but useful to Canadian physicians it is said to be "this type of literature"
    What is the grey literature?
    These reviews of the literature aim for the highest recall ....and require reproducible searches and detailed documentation